4. When the journey begins properly

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Ash woke up in a tent in a sleeping bag and for a moment he wondered in confusion where he was. Then he saw Gou sleeping next to him in his own sleeping bag and remember.

It was the morning following their departure day and our heroes had camped for the night in a small forest square next to which a river of clear water flowed.

They had begun their journey towards Turffield and towards Ash's first Gym Badge. They had got off to a good trip yesterday and finally decided in the evening to stop where they were now and spend the night there.

Ash got up from his sleeping bag and went to the tent door, careful not to wake Gou or Pikachu, who was sleeping next to him. He opened the zipper what holding the tent door shut and went out quietly.

Next to him and Gou's tent was Serena's tent, and opposite the tents was a portable table that they had left in it in the evening. A few wild Pokemon went to sniff them curiously, but all still remained a safe distance from Ash.

It was very early morning and the sun was just making its rise. The air was cool and Ash shivered a bit as he was wearing only his sleeveless shirt and shorts. On the other hand, the cool air seemed to feel fresh against the skin and Ash drew fresh air into his lungs.

He walked barefoot to the river and felt the morning dew water his bare feet. He sat on one of the largest rocks and watched the river flow happily forward. He smiled to himself. Others would not believe that he, Ash, the over-energetic and always enthusiastic Ash Ketchum, had come to the river just to sit. It's not like you, they would say and roll their eyes.

But he also needed moments from time to time when he could just sit and think about things. He closed his eyes and let the rays of the rising sun warm his skin.

"Ash? What are you doing here sitting alone?" suddenly there was a voice behind him and Ash was flying in fright into the river. He turned to see who had spoken and saw Serena standing behind him in her nightgown and a startling look on her face.

"Eh... I woke up and decided to come out to find out my thoughts," Ash explained scratching his neck and Serena came up to him and sat on the rock next to him as well. "Really? I thought Ash Ketchum would never have to figure out his thoughts," she said with a grin and Ash laughed. Then he turned to look directly in front of him and said:

"You know, in two years, all sorts of things will happen," he began and Serena listened with interest. "For example, I became the first person to ever win the Alola League and that, and all the other big things, like various dramas, crises and tragedies have suddenly made me famous," he explained and Serena nodded in understanding. "I heard about it," she said, meaning Ash's Alola's victory.

Ash smiled at her, but then sighed suddenly and said: "I have always said that my dream is to become a Pokemon Master, but what does it really mean? Pokemon Master sounds like some very famous and important person, and I'm already famous, so am I already Pokemon Master? And if I am, what... Hey, what are you laughing about now?"

Serena had started giggling and Ash interrupted his monologue, looking puzzled at the girl sitting next to him. "I'm sorry, Ash, but when you become that mature? I mean, that Ash Ketchum, that I know, would never have spoken like those phrases or thought about the big things. It was Ash whose only thought a Pokémon, food and battles," Serena explained with a laugh, and Ash was forced to smile.

"I dunno," he said with a grin. "But what about you, what thoughts are moving in your head?" he suddenly asked and Serena got serious.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't even know why I came to Galar. In Hoenn, I said I was going here to get inspiration for my upcoming performances, but that wasn't really the real reason. That real reason was that something just called me here and I came. Sounds crazy, doesn't it?" Serena explained and Ash had to admit it sounded a bit like that.

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