47. Snowstorm

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Okay, before we start this chapter properly, I want to aplogize my long absence. First I was on summer holiday and then I got massive writer's block :( But now I'm here again with new chapter and I hope you like it! And now on the chapter!


Oleana revealed her true nature, Serena changed her team , Ash promised to return a lost Gengar back to its trainer and the group set off on a trek towards Spikemuth and Ash's seventh Gym battle. But little do they know that the journey there won't be anything without surprises...


"Rotom, when you said we were expecting light snowfall, I was expecting something other than this..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm mainly a Pokedex, not a weather forecaster."

"You should have said that when I asked what kind of weather we were expecting!"

"Well, you didn't tell me to say that..."

"You sound like Lucario. Did he tell you to be cheeky, or what?"

"No, I just tell things like I'm asked."


It had been about a day since the group had left Circhester for Spikemuth. At that time the landscape had hardly changed at all, and they were still traveling through a very snowy landscape. They had found a forest path which, according to Serena, led directly towards Spikemuth. So they had taken that path, the beautiful sunshine cheering their spirits.

But it hadn't lasted long. In the evening, that beautiful sunshine had turned into a beautiful grey cloud cover, which had prompted Ash to ask Rotom for a weather forecast. Rotom had predicted a light snowfall, so the group had decided to keep going.

Too bad that "light" seemed to be a very relative term in this case. The snowfall had indeed started light, but had intensified all the time. In the end, the snow had begun to fall almost horizontally, and so hard that they could no longer even see properly in front of them.

"Ash, stop blaming Rotom, he was only doing the best he could!" Serena shouted, trying to shield her face from the snow with her hand. It didn't help much as the wind made the snowfall even harder than it already was. "None of us knew the weather would turn out like this!"

"Serena's right!" Gou also shouted, walking with Chloe behind Ash and Serena. "Instead of arguing, we'd better find some shelter if we don't want to freeze to icicles! After all, this storm isn't going to stop anytime soon..."

He was right about that. Just as he finished his sentence, a wind swept over them, much stronger than before. It made Pikachu almost fly off Ash's shoulder, Gou and Chloe cover their eyes, and Serena falter and almost fall.

"Your friend is right. We really need to find some shelter," Lucario also said. He and Greninja stood like bodyguards on either side of Gengar. All the other Pokémon were safe in their own balls, but Lucario was determined to stay outside. He had given the reason that if he had to guard Gengar, he would do it at least properly. Greninja, not wanting to be left behind by blue dog, had decided to do the same, although he was beginning to regret his decision (Lucario was too stubborn to have any regrets).

"Okay, let's do it!" Ash shouted back, though in the wind he could barely hear himself. The others nodded and started looking for somewhere to take shelter from the storm.

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