49. Rivalries in the air

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I'm back, bitches!

I apologize for my long absence, I honestly didn't have any interest to write. I also had so much university work that I needed a break from any writing. And that break really helped, because it really gave me new inspiration to continue this story. And that's why I'm back again!

So, let's start!


Ash and Serena followed Skwovet to Mortimer's attic and spent some time alone. And now it's morning, and time for our heroes to wake up...


"ASH! SERENA! Where are you?! It's breakfast time!" Gou's audible voice echoed up to the attic and Serena's eyes snapped open. She found herself lying comfortably against Ash and then remembered their nightly adventure. It made her smile.

"Seriously guys!!! Where have you disappeared to?!" Gou's demanding voice rang out again and Serena's smile disappeared. "What's your hurry?" she muttered a little irritated and then turned to the still sleeping Ash next to her. "Ash, wake up. It's morning. Time to go."

"Not yet," Ash muttered sleepily, pulling his blanket over him more comfortably. Serena had to smile at him, because this was so Ash, but then she shook her head and said, slightly apologetically, "Sorry, it's really time to go." And then she pulled the blanket off Ash.

Ash apparently felt the warmth disappear from him and it woke him up. "Seriously, Serena, I would have liked to sleep," he said groggily and a little irritated, but she just laughed.

"You can sleep later, it's time for breakfast," she said and pulled Ash up. Ash stood up, muttering something unclear, but then stretched with a yawn, and said: "Actually, I'm getting a bit hungry, so breakfast sounds good."

"That's the right talk," Serena said with a smile and then they headed back downstairs, with Skwovet following quietly behind.


After that, the morning passed quickly. Ash and co. had breakfast with their Pokémon, and then got everything ready to go. Then it was time to say goodbye to Mortimer and his Pokemon and set off again on the journey to Spikemuth.

"Bye! Thanks for everything! Hope to see you again!" Serena called out, waving to Mortimer as the group started to walk away from Mortimer's house. Mortimer, who was standing on the steps of his house, waved his hand in response and smiled in reply, "Thanks to ye! It's been great getting to know ye! I'm sure we'll meet again!" Next to him, Weavile also waved his hand, and sitting on his shoulder was Skwovet, who he has caught this morning. The trio watched as the group disappeared into the forest, and when they had completely disappeared from sight, Mortimer sighed and said, "Well, that's that then. Now it's time for tea, right?" He looked at both his Pokémon in turn, and they nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"That's the right talk. Let's go then," Mortimer smiled and then the trio stepped back inside into the warmth of the cottage.


After leaving Mortimer's house, the group continued their journey as normal. The sky was again sunny and cloudless, so they were no longer bothered by the snowfall. They quickly found their way back to the path they had been following and continued along it toward Spikemuth.

Their mood also reflected the weather. At some point they also realized it was lunchtime, so they stopped in a small clearing just off the path. Gou and Chloe went off to find firewood for the bonfire and Ash and Serena stayed behind to prepare the food. They also let their Pokemon out of their balls and in the meantime concentrated on wondering what was in the interesting-looking jar Mortimer had given them.

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