43. Fame and glory

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Ash won a Gym battle against Melony and earned his sixth Gym Badge. Now the group is on their way to eat, but first Sonia has something exciting to give...


"Are they for us?!" Ash asked amazed and took one of the bands in his hand. Sonia nodded and said, "Yeah. I've put the Wishing Stars that Lucario had collected in them. They should make it possible for your Dynamax your Pokemon."

"Wow! Thank you!" said Ash excitedly and slid the band around his wrist. Serena, Gou and Chloe did the same and Serena admired her band in the Gym's lights. It fits well, she thought and smiled.

"Are those the things that make Pokemon really big?!" Bonnie asked, looking her eyes wide at the Dynamax bands. Dedenne on her head also said, "Neenee!" and waved his whiskers. Clemont instead raised his glasses and asked curiously, "Did I understand correctly? So there's a piece called Wishing Star inside the band? And it makes Pokemon grow big, causing phenomenon you call Dynamax?"

"Yes," Sonia said, looking at Clemont and Bonnie curiously. "I'm sorry, but who are you? I don't think I've met you before."

"Oh right. I'm Clemont and here's my little sister Bonnie," Clemont introduced himself and Bonnie. Bonnie smiled broadly and Dedenne waved his small hands. "We're friends of Ash and Serena from Kalos. We traveled together while Ash was challenging Kalos' Pokemon League and Serena Kalos Queen title."

"Oh, nice to meet you!" said Sonia nodding, but still looking thoughtful. "Clemont... why do that name seems so familiar? Just like I've heard it somewhere before..."

"Maybe because my big brother is Gym Leader of Lumiose City, a famous inventor and a great hero of Kalos!" said Bonnie happily before Clemont had time to say anything. "And because I, Bonnie, am also Kalos' greater hero, an ambassador of love and an ultimate shipper! And that brings to my mind... you're a keeper! Please, will you... hey!"

This time Bonnie's speech ended quickly. The blushed Clemont had lifted her into the air again with his Aipom arm and scolded, "Bonnie! You can't just ask every girl to marry me! That's not appropriate! And what was that nonsense about 'The great hero of Kalos?'"

"Because we're heroes! We saved the whole region! Don't you remember?! Squishy and all!" Bonnie protested loudly, and passers-by gave curious glances at her. At that point, Sonia finally figured out from where she remembered Clemont and Bonnie, and she clicked her fingers, understanding shining in her face.

"Now I remember! It was in the news a few years ago all over Galar! Some evil guy, Lysa-something or whatever, was going to destroy the whole Kalos, and you four saved the whole region!" she exclaimed, looking alternately at Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie hanging from Aipom arm. At that point, Clemont gave up and at the same time let Bonnie back into the land. He knew the game was over that time. Sonia was not the only one to have identified the four.

Curious people who watched from the sidelines had quickly picked up their phones and were now tapping them looking for more information. Ash knew what was coming soon, so he said quickly, "Sonia, it was fun to see again and so, but now we have to go. Bye!" And then he rushed the whole group out of the Gym doors, leaving Sonia confused inside.


Phew! It was close! Ash thought in relief as he slammed the Gym door shut. For a moment he had been sure he would again be attacked in the same way as at the beginning of his adventure. He was very grateful that in the small places of Galar his face was not as well known as in the large ones. However, Circhester was one of those bigger places, so it had only been a matter of time before someone would recognize him. Admittedly, now that he was thinking about it, he wondered why no one in Motostoke had recognized him...

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