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Hoseok POV

'What the f...' Hoseok smiled at another BTS meme Taehyung had shared in their common chat.
"What are you smiling at?" He looked over at his wife who was driving. It was not new to him to see the shift of emotion in her face or to hear it in her voice too.
"Just some funny picture Tae had posted in the chat."
Her hand left the wheel to lay down on his thigh.
"Don't you dare to lie to me, Hoseok!" It was not only the tone that made him wince but her sharp fingernails that dug in the flesh of his leg.
"Why do you assume I am lying? I am always telling you the truth." Hoseok was always trying to defend himself because she was never right with her assumptions.
She took her hand off his body, a breath of relief leaving his lips. The car stopped on the side of the road and he looked out the window, confused as to why they had stopped.
"Why are we...?" He was not able to finish the question as when he turned his head her fist made contact with his jaw. His head immediately fell back.
"I've told you not to lie."
Then she sat back straight, started the car, and drove back to the street. They did not speak a word until they arrived home. Hoseok felt the hurt on his chin but being exposed to these actions from his wife left these small punches with not much to worry about.
As they drove up to their driveway, they saw another car parked on the other side of the entrance.
"Who is that? Another one of your bitches?"
"What are you talking about? That's Carla's car, the kids' homeschool teacher."
Joo-min shook her head looking out the window, putting the gear into park.
"Another thing we throw money away for?"
"Wait! What? You were okay with hiring a homeschool teacher for our children so they could travel with us when we need to go abroad for business." Hoseok was starting to get angry.
He could tolerate her talking bad about him but he never would allow her to say awful things about his kids.
"Yeah, that was a stupid idea. That was during the time when you tried to make me agree to things by pulling at my emotions. If we pay so much for their education we should have sent those spoiled brats to boarding school." Joo-min's expression was cold, the same as her voice, there was not a hint of love for her kids in it.
For a long time, Hoseok had hoped that it was a phase and that she would come to love her children with time. Even if it would not be like the love he gave them but at least some kind of affection.
"Don't you ever try to take my kids away from me?" This time it was Hoseok raising his voice at her. Slowly, she unfastened her seatbelt and turned to look at him.
"Or what?"
Hoseok should have seen it coming but he was still too naive, still too in love to think bad about her.

The force of her fist against his cheekbone was hard. His head spun around and if he had not the seatbelt still on, he might have fallen out of the seat. He immediately lifted his hands to protect him from more punches, yet he only heard her laugh before the door opened and closed as she had gotten out.
He uncovered his eyes, to see if she really was gone. When he was sure he was alone, he looked at his hands and saw blood. Very carefully, he let his fingertips glide over his cheekbone to feel a cut under his eye. Small droplets of blood were already running down his cheeks. His wife had started to wear this sharp ring for a few months now, making him feel even more pain when one of her outbursts made her come at him.
With trembling hands he unclipped the seatbelt. Suddenly, his door sprang open and he was met with pain on his scalp. His hands shot to his hair where he could feel fingers gripping tightly in his locks as he was yanked out of the car. As he was lying on the floor, he felt kicks to his abdomen and chest.
"I have told you multiple times, you will never raise your voice at me!" Joo-min was bending down over his face, pointing her finger menacingly at him. Finally, she let go of his hair only to grab the front of his shirt.
"Get up! You look despicable." She dragged him behind her inside the house. Hoseok's only thought being 'Please don't let the kids see this'. As she jerked him towards the kitchen, he was relieved to hear them study with their teacher in the office. In the kitchen, Joo-min pushed her husband on the floor. Then she turned around to grab her phone out of the pocket of her pants.
"Now let's see, " she let out calmly as he was getting into a kneeling position, "which boarding school would be the farthest away from here?"
Hoseok started to cry, he could beg for his kids and he would not hesitate to do so but he knew that she would only love it and do more to hurt him.

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