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Carla squirmed under his body, she tried to get him off but he was strong, so much stronger than she was. And then these fucking delicious lips that kept attacking her, over and over again. Her head was spinning and she slowly just gave up. She knew they needed to talk but she was not sure if she was ready for it.
Yet his kisses and actions gave her hope, hope that her fears will fade and that he actually likes her.
"Okay let's talk then!" She exclaimed as if she was exasperated by him.
Hoseok straightened his back, putting each of his legs beside her to sit on her body, not letting go of her wrists.
The soft smile he gave her made her heart skip a beat. Carla had fallen for him, really hard, she could not deny it anymore.
"Can you let go of my arms?" She tried to speak softly but it still came out as a demand.
"Ask nicely and I will consider it." He replied with a smirk.
"Really!" She stared into his dark eyes. "Please Hoseok, can you let go of my wrists?" She murmured with a sensual undertone.
"Ummm, no, sorry. You, talking like that, I definitely am going to hold you in this position." He closed his eyes as he started to blush.
Carla smiled at his sweet reaction, her heart exploding inside her chest. Lifting her head, she pecked his lips, taking him by surprise as his eyes opened big to look at her before shaking his head to come back to his senses.

Carla had really surprised him with her kiss, making him scream inside that Yoongi was right, she had feelings for him too. But he needed confirmation, he needed to hear her say it out loud.
"Let's start with an easy question!" He looked down at her gorgeous face, her pretty lips begging for more kisses. "Do you like me?"
"What?!" She exclaimed loudly, starting to laugh.
He did not know why but suddenly he started to pour out every single one of his thoughts to her, not stopping to breathe.
"Because I like you. A lot. I know it might be surprising to you but these feelings are growling. And your kisses, WOW! I want them every second of the day. My heart can't stop beating fast when you are near and it melts when I see you with my kids..."
Suddenly, she lifted her head again and claimed his mouth gently but also sinfully that made him moan into her.
He let go of her wrists to cup her face as their kiss deepened. Suddenly, he realized that she had not answered him, so he pulled himself off of her and stared down at her surprised face.
"So, do you like me?"
"Yah, Hoseok!" She started to scold him. "Who do you take me for? Would I be lying here under you, kissing the shit out of you, if I had no feelings for you? I am also offended that you think I could have had sex with you if there were not the slightest feelings involved."
He glared down at her not knowing if he should just kiss her or apologize first. Luckily, she knew exactly what he was thinking.
"I do not want an apology!" Then she stopped for a second as if she was thinking about it. "Actually, I do want one. But a special one, one that makes my body yours and my mouth scream out for more."
Hoseok gulped hard, his body and mind were immediately affected by her words.
"As to answer your question more directly." She began as he was just staying still with his mouth open. "I don't think I like you, I am already falling in love with you. Every minute a little bit more."


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