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Jin and Jimin followed Hoseok to the driveway. He had already secured his kids in their seats.
"Where are we going?" Suni asked her dad when he leaned over to kiss her forehead.
"Yes, where are you going like that?" Jimin questioned him when he and Jin reached Hoseok's car.
"To Carla's place! Do you need me to go back and get your stuffies?" He inquired of his children.
"No, daddy. They are still at the other place. Mommy did not allow us to bring them." Jaehyung informed him in sadness.
Hoseok clenched his fists, anger rising in him as he looked at his children's unhappy faces.
How could she not let them take their stuffed animals? They need them to find comfort to go to sleep. The anger rose inside of him when he thought about his kids crying themselves to sleep because they felt alone.

Hoseok closed the door and turned towards his friends.
"I know you and your wives are friends with Joo-min too and I will never ask you to choose one side but for me, this ends here and now," he informed them in a serious tone.
Jimin and Jin hugged him tightly, telling him that he was their brother and they would always stand by his side. Hoseok felt relieved that he had their support. He promised them to call later but for now, he just wanted to bring his kids to a safe place, away from this house that held so many painful memories for him.
Both offered that he and his kids could stay with them and their families, but he declined, stating that he felt very safe at Carla's place and so did the kids.

The next morning, Hoseok surprised Carla by bringing Suni and Jaehyung with him to visit her in the hospital. Carla pulled them in her arms, apologizing for what happened that night. Suni just inspected her face and asked if her eye hurt then kissed her on it to make it heal faster.
After the doctor came in to check on her, he let her know that she would be released the next day.
Jaehyung pouted when she asked him to complete some of the exercises in the math book for when she came back.
Suni, on the other side, was happy to have been asked to draw a picture of her dad with all the superpowers she thought he had but needed to hide.
Hoseok just smiled, watching the lovely exchange between the kids and their teacher.
How could a stranger be so kind and nice to them yet their mother had no feelings towards her kids?

Later that afternoon, Hoseok helped his kids with the little homework Carla had given them. He enjoyed every moment he could spend with them, seeing them grow into the beautiful beings they were becoming with each day.
"Can we buy a cake for Carla?" Suni begged her father when she showed him her beautiful drawing.
"Of course we can."
"Can we not bake one ourselves? I know she loves self-made cake."
"She does?" Hoseok consulted his boy when he looked over his exercises.
"Yes, she told me they are yummier than the one you buy because of the love that you use to create it." The little man explained to his sister and dad.
"Then how about we throw a little party for Carla tomorrow. I am sure she will be delighted."
Suni was already jumping up and down in excitement.
"We can also try to make a cake but just so you guys know, I have never tried that," Hoseok admitted to both as they start to giggle.
"No problem, Daddy. We already have made one with Carla when you were not home. It is very easy." Suni informed him as she lunged into his arms.

" Suni informed him as she lunged into his arms

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