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"Of course!" Hoseok loved to tease her. Also, he found it the cutest thing when the redness on her face was nothing compared to the color of a tomato.
"No, I just kidding. I am having trouble calming my nerves as the events of the day come back to me," he admitted to her a bit embarrassed.
"Oh no problem, " Carla replied scooting a bit to the side to make some space for him to sit next to her, "you can stay as long as you want."
"I knew it! Just say you want me to stay with you the whole night," he started to tease her again.
"Are we really doing that?" she asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"I am sorry, " he apologized to her, lying back, letting out a sigh as he rested his head on his hands.
They both just laid there talking about everything and nothing. After another hour, Hoseok fell asleep and Carla could not bring it upon herself to wake him up to make him leave. She turned off the little lamp next to her and drifted off to dreamland too.

"Joo-min, please. I didn't do what you are suspecting. She is only a stylist. Please, don't..." then Hoseok felt the flesh on his back crack when she slashed her Gucci belt endlessly against his body. He could feel the pain, the sting, and the blood running down over the sides of his upper body as he laid flat on the ground, too weak to even stand up.
Hoseok woke up, drenched in sweat, his breathing was coming in short and his eyes stung due to the tears that had been falling down his cheeks nonstop. At first, he was confused about where he was but when he grabbed his phone, he always had next to him to be sure to answer immediately when his wife called or it would lead to another argument, and put on the light of the screen, he saw Carla lying next to him. She looked so peaceful and gorgeous he had to admit. His wife was beautiful and elegant for sure but Carla was naturally stunning.
He checked the time on his phone and realizing it was only 5 am, he decided to try to have another two to three hours of rest. Before settling next to her, he debated if he should go back to the bedroom and sleep next to the kids but he decided against it, asserting that he would only wake them up.
As his head relaxed back on the pillow, he let his eyes stay on her beautiful face, only the moonlight illuminating her long eyelashes, her cute little nose, and her full lips. It did not take him long to drift back to sleep but this time he was not troubled by his wife.

The next day, Carla woke up with her arm on top of Hoseok chest and her head nuzzled to his side. She retreated quickly but he pulled her back closer to him with his hand that was resting on her back.
"Hoseok! Wake up!" She talked to him in a low voice.
"Just five more minutes."
"Hoseok. You need to wake up or at least lose your hold on me before your kids come out of the bedroom."
Carla could not stop laughing when she watched him let go of her and jumping out of the bed as if he was stung by a bee.
"Good Morning, Hoseok!" Carla told him with a smile as she too climbed out of the bed.
"Are the kids up?" he asked her in a sleepy voice.
"I don't think so. It's only seven o'clock," she informed him after checking her phone.
"Coffee?" she inquired as she walked to the small kitchen.
"Yes, please." Hobi followed her, sitting on a chair near the counter. "Why are you up so early?"
"Well, I thought it would be nice to prepare some pancakes for the kids for their first morning here."
"You spoil them again!" he announced as she gave him his cup of coffee.
"Okay, say that again and you will get none of them, Mister."
Hoseok could not hold back the laughter when she acted as if she was scolding him.
"You remind me of Jin-hyung sometimes."
"That's because we are part of the elder generation."
"Can I quote you on that because Jin-hyung will so come after you for saying that?"
"Oh no, please. I can not deal with an angry World Wide Handsome." She joked as she began to prepare breakfast.

"Can I help you?" Hoseok inquired after he had finished his cup of coffee.
"Yes, go wake up your gorgeous, little monsters. Make sure they are dressed and don't forget to cuddle each of them for at least five minutes. Breakfast should be done by the time you are all ready."
Hoseok could not believe the sweet words coming to his ears but made sure to follow each of her instructions to his best.

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