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It was late afternoon when Carla was lost in thoughts, sitting at the kitchen table. Hoseok's kids were playing with a new Lego set that their dad had ordered for them when they had to leave all their toys behind the day, they fled their home.
Carla closed her eyes as the images of last night came back to her. Hoseok spread before her, his hands holding her head as she pleasured him with her mouth. When he cried out her name, she felt like her heart was exploding inside her chest. How could she ever go back to not loving him? Every minute with him she was falling deeper in love with him. Every moment in his presence she wanted to feel his arms around her, his lips on top of hers. But who was she to wish for that to come true? Yesterday should have been a waking call for her, he called her Joo-min, his fucking ex who would abuse him for years.

"Carla?" Jae-hyung pulled her out of her reverie.
"Yeah, sweetie what is it?"
"Your phone?" He pointed to the device lying next to her. Carla had been so in thoughts that she had not even heard her phone go off.
"Hey, Carla. How are you and the kids?" Hoseok's voice was as smooth as always and she could listen to him for hours talking about nothing and everything.
"The kids are great. I will send you pictures they are almost done with building their Lego."
"And how are you?" Carla was taken aback by his sudden interest in her well-being.
"Me? I am good. Why?"
"Not too hangover? Have you eaten lunch?"
"No, and yes with the kids. They hate eating with me alone."
"Why?" He inquired curiously. "I would love to have lunch with you alone."
At first, Carla did not know how to respond to him and why did she get the feeling he was flirting with her.
"Because we had healthy food, lots of vegetables."
"Is that Daddy?" Suni came to sit on Carla's lap.
"Yes!" she replied to the girl before talking to Hoseok again. "Can you turn your camera on?"
Carla smiled at the kids as Hoseok took his time to talk to him. They showed him with pride how far along they were with their Lego as he did not hold back on praises for his kids.
"Carla?" He called out for her after saying bye to his kids.
"Yes, Hoseok." She turned the camera and speaker off to talk to him.
"The guys are planning dinner with their families tonight."
"Oh, okay. I will get the kids ready. What time should I bring them to you? Or are you coming to pick them up?"
"First of all, can you please bring them? I will send you the address of the restaurant. Second, I want you to come too."
"No Hoseok, as thankful as I am, this is a family meeting."
"How did it go this morning?"
" I do not want to talk about it. Just know that I already contacted the lawyer to file for divorce."
"I am sorry," Carla told him with kindness, "I know how much she means to you."
"Don't apologize and I now know that it is the right thing to do. Are you sure you do not want to come? The others would be delighted to get to know you. Also, the planning for the next overseas schedule is out. I want you and the kids to join us."
"Again this is for the BTS families. But don't worry I will bring your kids to the restaurant tonight. Just text me where and when."
"Okay, " he replied and she almost thought she could hear, sadness in his voice, "I will text you the details soon. Bye Carla."


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