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Carla paced the room late at night. She was going crazy, worried to the point she thought she would lose her mind. He had told her he would try to contact her, but it was late, and she still had not heard from him.
Earlier that day, Namjoon had called her to tell her what was in the package that Hoseok had managed to send to the company. It had been a big envelope that contained the kids' passports, as well as his consent for Carla to be able to take Jaehyung and Suni abroad.
"It seems that he is trying to get you out of the country... With his children!" Namjoon explained to her on the phone.
"I can see that as well. My only hope is that he will be able to come as with us." She confessed before she asked about the two little sunshines she missed so much.
Namjoon gave the kids his phone so she could talk to them.
To hear their voice brought tears to her eyes. Jaehyung asked to see her, and she had to comfort him by telling him to be patient and that they will see each other soon.

Her phone suddenly went off, and she rushed to pick it up, not looking at the caller ID.
"Sorry, it's only me. I guess he still has not called you?" Yoongi's voice sounded worried.
"No. I was hoping it was him."
"I will make it quick then. Joon is busy that is the reason why I called you. He could convince Joo-min to let us see him."
"That's great. When are you going?"
"The day after tomorrow. Early in the morning."
"Ohhh." Carla let out in frustration. "That is still a long time to wait."
"Listen. Don't give up. Hoseok is not, so you should not either. Fight for your love, and if waiting is the weapon for both of you to get a happy future, then use it. Prepare what you can for when you can be together."
"Thank you, Yoongi. I see why Hoseok always wants to talk to you when he feels down." She grinned at the phone before she hung up, reassuring him that she would never give up on his friend.

At the Jung mansion, Hoseok was busy making arrangements to ultimately escape Joo-min's fangs.
Earlier that night, she had tried to assault him again by attempting to straddle him, brushing her hands over his length. And when he did not get aroused but felt disgusted, to say the least, she got angry and threatened him again, putting her hands around his throat, commanding him to get hard to please her. Luckily, he had managed to push the help button for the nurse to come to his rescue.
Now, he was lying awake at 3 am, trying to get a hold of the thoughts, running in circles through his head.
Where could he hide his loved ones until he could join them and put an end to all this drama?
As he closed his eyes, the name of one of the producers, he worked with on his solo record, popped up. He immediately reached for the hidden phone and tried to find out his private number. Even if it was in the middle of the night, he needed this to be done so he could find some sleep.
After several calls, he managed to get a hold of the person that could be his savior in this. Even if they were not that close, the producer was happy to help Hoseok out. Now, he only needs to tell Namjoon and Carla about it.

The following morning, Joo-min woke him up, screaming and throwing things at the wall. Hoseok had been too exhausted last night to hide the phone that he was still holding in his hands. She yanked the device out of them and threw it against the wall, shedding it into hundreds of pieces.
"So, this is what you are playing at?" She shouted as she paced the room. Hoseok saw her fists clenched by her side, and his body went into defense mode. Just when she was about to throw herself at him, the door opened for his nurse to step in.
"You have got a visitor!" The older woman informed Hoseok as Joo-min held herself back. He let out a breath he held in anticipation of the hurt that would come at him if they had not been interrupted.
"Let him or her in."

The door opened widely to reveal Namjoon. A smile of relief spread on Hoseok's face as he looked into his friend's stern gaze. Namjoon's eyes were fixed on Joo-min, whose body still radiated anger and hate.
"Namjoon!" Hoseok let out joyfully, "I am so happy to see you."

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