The Night After

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The ball:
Amelia's POV:
I spent the rest of the night talking woth as many people as I possibly could in that time. I noticed the girl I saw earlier a few times during the night but we didn't talk. Time passed, it seemed like it had been ages once the guests started to leave. I still had to be there to tell them goodbye but finally they all left. I had to hear the bickering of my mother once I told her that I didn't pick anyone for now but I assured her that I would pick someone during the next days. Finally I went to bed, changed into sleepwear and laid in my bed. The girl I had seen in the garden kept appearing in my head, but not for long since I fell asleep pretty fast.
Alessandra's POV:
I went over to the carriage,it was time to get back to the place we were staying at. My brother looked more relieved than the last time I saw him wich was before the ball, I saw him frown once my mother started talking about the princess. I decided not to mention the fact that I talked to her, it was probably for the best. We went back to the hotel we were staying at and after I changed, I went over to my brother's bedroom to check up on him, I knocked and he told me to come in.
-Hello little bro, how did you find the princess?
-We didn't really talk.
-Oh okay well that's okay but I have a question. Where were you the entire night? I didn't see you even once.
-I was wandering around. You probably didn't see me cause of the people.
-Yeah maybe that's why but anyway I just cane to check up on you I have to go to bed now before mother starts bickering. Goodnight!
I went over to my bedroom and changed. Taking of my heels and corset was the most relieving thing ever! I laid on my bed and tried to fall asleep. But even though I was tired, I couldn't sleep. The princess kept appearing in my head. She smelled nice, I thought. Wait why did I even think that?! I'm a creep! I said to myself. Time passed and I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up and write poems like always. It's my favorite thing to do when I'm stressed. When I write, I forget about everything else so that's what I did. I tried to write poems. About the princess.
I was running far away
But one day
I fell. I fell in her eyes
That make me feel like I'm in the skies-
Too cringy, I thought to ny self. After a few tries I came up with something somewhat good.
... Cause her eyes
Make me feel like im in the skies
Since they burn like fire
And make me feel like such a liar
How could I lie to myself
That I want her with somebody else...
I was quite satisfied with the results so I closed my notebook and put it in my drawer. I went to bed and I could fall asleep easier this time. Even tough she kept appearing in my dreams...

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