The Meeting

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Alessandra's POV:
I woke up, got dressed amd made my way to the castle, I had to see Amelia. I wanted to see how she was but also we had to come up with something for her marriage and how to avoid it.

Luckily for me I heard her voice in the garden.

"Amelia" I whispered "Over here" she looked down and saw me.
-What are you doing here? She asked
-I wanted to check up on you. But also we need to come up with something.
-Okay wait there.

She went inside and in just a few minutes she was walking towards me.

-Hello. I said
-Hi. She said with an upset voice.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, if we exclude the fact that I only have only 3 days to find someone to marry. Yeah, I'm fine.
-Shhh, we'll figure something out.
-What are will we figure out Alessandra? There is no getting out of this. I just want to leave.
-Well, I have thought of something... I said.
-Well, I thought that maybe we could all meet up. We just have to gather everyone, Nicolas, Oliver and my brother.
-Why your brother?
-You'll see but can you tell Nicolas? I'll gather everyone else.
-Sure but, where are we going to meet up?
-Maybe in the stables, today at 7.00 pm.
-Alright I'll tell him.
-Great, I have to go now to gather everyone else.
-Okay. She said still confused.

I looked over to check that there were no guards and then I stole a kiss from her. After that I left.

I went to gather everone else, Oliver, Cody and Aiden. Before I realised, it was time to leave.

We all headed to the stables where Amelia and Nicolas were already there.
-Hi. I said
-Hello. Amelia replied.
We all sat down and I introduced my brother to Amelia.
-Amelia this is Cody my brother, Cody I think you already know Amelia.
After that Aiden introduced himself.
-So Alessandra, why did you tell us to gather here? Amelia asked.
-Well, as we all know, Amelia has to marry someone within 2 days so we don't have much time. We need to all come up with a plan quick. I decided to gather anyone who is in the same trapped situation as us. Has anyone thought of something?

Silence occurred between all of us, no one was saying anything all of us were just staring down.

-I have. Amelia said after a while. But there's a risk following it.
-What is it? We all said.
-We run away. We all pack our things and run away. I can't think of anything else.

Silence fell again.

-It'd be a lie to say I haven't thought about it as well. I said.
-I think we all have, Oliver said. Everyone nodded. But do we follow that plan or not?
-I say we do. But I would like to hear everyone's opinions. I said.
It took a few minutes but then Oliver spoke.
-I say we do as well.
-I agree. Nicolas said.
-I agree as well. Cody said.
Soon after, Aiden agreed as well.

-So what's the plan? Amelia asked.
-Well, since we do only have two days, we better start packing today, only pack the most important things and let's all be careful not to get caught. How about we meet up same time same place tommorow to figure out what we do?

Everyone nodded and with that we all headed home with heavy hearts, we were about to leave everything behind...

Met Through A Ball ✔️✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora