Can I be The Man Of Honor?

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Alessandra's POV:
I returned home, I felt happy about a lot of things, or so I thought. You see I wasn't happy about a lot of things, I was only happy about Amelia but that was enough for me to think that everything was going perfectly. It made me fly to the skies. I laid in my bed, deep in my thoughts. And as if it wasn't enough I remembered the moment, that she put her head on my lap. I felt my face getting red.
She was like a fairy
A fairy that could kill me
And I would simply say
Thank you
Then I remembered. I had to tell Oliver. I run to the forest compeletly ignoring my mother that asked me where I was going. "Olliee!" I yelled he came out. I told him everything.
-We threw flowers in the air and we run and we played and then she put her head on my lap- Wait, why aren't you saying anything? I told him.
-I have a question.
-What is it?
-Can I be the man of honor??? He said with a smile up the the ears.
-You can be the man of honor to the guy she is going to marry. I said frowning.
-Hold up, I meant to you two.
-First of all that won't happen and second of all that can't happen.
-Yeah, yeah okayy. We continioued our walk for a while and then I headed home, with even more reasons than before.
That night:
Alessandra's POV:
I woke up all of a sudden, I had a dream. That Amelia and I got married. It was weird to think about it, I didn't like her or anything, but for some weird reason the idea didn't bother me... I tried to go back to sleep, it took me some time but I managed to do it. With her still in my mind but not knowing why she was there...

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