In The Pond

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Alessandra's POV:
Days passed and my mind was running on so many things, my brother, who had still been going out very frequently, I really didn't want him to be in trouble, even though he seemed happy I was still really worried, but my mind was mostly on Ameli and when would I see her again, the thought of her smile made me feel safe, warm, loved. Despite all those thoughts I still had to worry about one more thing, Amelia's wedding, we still had time however each day was one day closer, every second that passed was a torture. I didn't want things between me and Amelia to end, they couldn't end. Without exactly knowing what I was doing I headed out, not knowing exactly where I was going but I hated all the thoughts I had. But as I was walking I heard Amelia's voice. "Alessandra!" she called and I immediately turned around.
-Hii! I said trying to push my worries down.
-How are you? She said as she finally caught up to me.
-I'm good, how are you?
-I'm good! She said with a smile.
I thought about it for a second and then I asked her?
-Do you wanna hang out tommorow?
-Sure! She said while blushing. What time?
-Is 10 at the same plain good?
And with that she headed her way and I headed mine. I went to the forest to tell Oliver and then I returned back home after I had heard him call me a "hopeless romantic" for the millionth time. Time wouldn't pass, all I could do was sit and wait, when all I wanted was to see her. I went to bed with the thought of her and woke up with the very same thought.

I got dressed and left immediately, turns out I was early so I sat and waited for her. After a few minutes I saw her coming towards me. She looked like a fairy that would come in your dreams and make you upset you couldn't bring her into real life.
-Hiii! She said.
-Hi! I said as she sat down. I missed you!
I saw her blush and then say "I missed you too" as she kissed my cheeck.
We talked and talked for hours. Until we decided to play truth or dare. After a few dumb ones such as "go pick the first flower you see and come back in less than 30 seconds" or "What do you despise the most" or "What's your favorite colour" she told me something rather challenging.
-I dare you to…jump in the pond with just your chemise!
-Wait what?! I told her laughing.
-Yeah, unless you don't dare to...
-Oh I do! I told her. But you're coming with me!
-Wait what? She said shocked by my words.
-Yeah, unless you don't have the dare to... I told her mocking her.
We both took our dresses off and then I picked her up to throw her in pond. She fell in but she dragged me as well, and with that we were both in the pond holding each other laughing. She came closer to me and laid a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed her back, we stopped to catch our breath and then continiued, she kept kissing me and she wrapped her legs around me and then pulled me in the waters.

We were kissing not caring where we were, where this would lead, who would see. All we cared about was each other.

After we stopped we just looked at each other, not saying anything but we soon enough burst out laughing.
-I love you Amelia. I whispered to her under my breath.
-I love you too. She said as she played with my hair.
-I think we should get out now.
-Yeah probably.
We got out and tried to dry ourselves, we put our dresses back on and braided each other's hair so they wouldn't seem so wet. Amelia even had the idea to decorate them with flowers and I agreed, not gonna lie, they turned our pretty.

I looked at her in the eyes, thinking how I couldn't lose her, I was not going to lose her. I wouldn't let that happen.
-What's bothering you? She asked me.
-What's bothering you?
-Oh nothing. I told her, not wanting to ruin this moment with her.
-Tell me.
-But nothing is wrong.
-Alessandra please tell me.
-Ok fine, I've just been thinking about something. I said as I laid on the grass.
-And what's that? She said as she laid on top of me.
-The fact that, you have to get married to someone else.
She signed and I felt her get upset.
-Sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up.
-It's fine there's no point in hiding it anyways.
We both stayed silent for a minute. Then the she broke the silence.
-I wish I could just run away with you.
-Yeah, that would be pretty nice. How would you imagine it?
-Hmmm, we could maybe run away and travel the world. Or maybe start our own kingdom. Where the only rule would be to accept everyone.
-Yeahhh, that would be great.
-How would you imagine it?
-Pretty much the same as you imagined it.
-I love you.
-I love you too. She said as she hugged me tighter. But I think we should head back now, even though I don't want to go.
-I think so too love. I said as I got uo and helped her get up as well.
We walked together holding hands, until it was time to sepearate, sge headed home, and I headed to the forest to tell Oliver. After that I went home, haopy but at the same time, so worried... What would happen now?

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