Women In Pants(19th Century Edition)

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Alessandra's POV:
Once night fell and the moon rose, I fell I asleep quite quickly. I woke up later than usual for some reason but it was still early. I laid on my bed for a while just thinking about how it unfair, for every woman on earth to not be able to do what a man can. Especially not be able to wear what she wants. Why did we have to live in such a pressuring society?

A thought had been torturing me for the past few minutes. What if a woman actually wore pants. So I decided to give in. I sneaked in my brother's bedroom and borrowed a pair of pants, a belt, a button-up and boots. I quickly run back in my room and wore them, once I looked in the mirror I saw myself, but better than I could've ever imagined. Everything from the top to the bottom was perfect, from the slightly unbuttoned white button-up to the black pants paired with a leather belt and finally to the brown boots with laces. I wanted to scream, but I knew that if anyone saw me I would be in serious troube so I did the natural thing, sneaked out.

I didn't walk through the town, instead I made my way to the forest walking through the plains outside the town. I didn't know if I would see Oliver or not but I wanted to be somewhere free, soon enough I was deep in the forest and I decided to at least try to find my way to the spot Amelia always hangs out. Luckily for me once I arrived I saw her there. "Helloo" I told her and she immediately turned her head to face me.
Amelia's POV:
I heard a familiar voice greeting me so I turned around to face themand saw Alessandra but I didn't see her as she usualy was. She was even prettier.
From her wavy dark brown hair falling on her shoulders to the pants with the leather belt to the boots she was wearing. She looked like a pirate, a really good-looking one. From the second that I saw her I felt gushes from my heart. I couldn't even feel my legs but I pulled myself toghether and replied.
-Hii! I like your outfit. I said, all whilst feeling my cheeks get blush pink.
-Why thank you! She said with a smile that made the gushes continiue.
She came and sat next to me.

-So how are you?
-I-I'm great thank you what about you? I said still trying to process everything.
-Glad to hear that.
-Let me ask you though, how did you manage to go out of the house wearing that without getting caught? Unless you did.
-Oh umm, I sneaked out and made my way here through the plains. I don't know how I managed it but hey, I made it. But let's leave my outfit aside for a second. How are things with you?
-I meann, if you take away the fact that I have to marry a guy that I won't even know when I don't even like men then, pretty good.
-Good to hear. She said nodding.
We both laughed for a bit. Laugh to not cry.
-What am I gonna do? I said hopelessly.
-Heyy, we'll find something. She said looking in my eyes. I promise. She said in a way that made me feel safe, assured that everything will be alright.
-Thanks. I said as I hugged her and she hugged me back. In that moment there was peace, silence, bliss.
We broke apart and smiled at each other, right then I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't. I chickened out. We continiued talking for a while and then we both headed our ways ending it with another hug.
Once I arrived in the palace and then in my room, I laid on my bed with a bit more hope...

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