Nicolas Eh?

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Amelia's POV:
I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling like an idiot. But how could I not? With the feel of her hands still on my waist, with the look of her eyes pierced on my mind and her smile still in my heart. I was too focused on her to sleep. It felt like years laying there, but dancing with her felt like seconds. Split seconds that passed so quick.

When the sun rised I was soon enough awake however, I didn't get out of bed,I stayed there not wanting to confront my mother after that night since I knew she would ruin all my happy thoughts. So there I was laying in bed, doing nothing, at 6.00 in the morning.

Alessandra's POV:
Once morning came and I woke up. I immediately got out of bed. I needed to inform Oliver about everything that had happened and about Nicolas of course. So I got dressed and I was out the door. With a waterfall of things to tell him. Once I arrived in the forest, I yelled at him and soon enough he appeared.
-Jeez, why so early? He said sleepily.
-I have new information. I said and immediately his eyes widened.
-What is it? Tell me everything.
-Ok so, about the blonde guy, his name is Nicolas, I don't know his surname, he is in his early-twenties and I also got informed he is a creep so choose your path from there.
-Nicolas eh?
-Yeahh? Wait no, I know exactly what you're thinking about stop!
-Yeah yeah whatever you say. He said with a careless smile.
-Be careful with him, promise me.
-I will, don't worry!
-And also where are you staying?
-Oh I found a small house in the forest it's quite cozy actually.
-Glad to hear that. I said relieved.
-Now what happened with Amelia?
-We danced toghether!
-Wait what?!
-Yea, it was like a dream come true. I said with my head in the clouds.
-Tell me how, when, where?
And that's exactly what I did. I told him everything with every little detail. Everything.
-And then you say you're not a hopeless romantic?
-After all that, that's all you have to say?
-Yeah, and I will keep saying it until you admit it. And maybe even then. He said smiling.
-Oh shush I'm not.
-Okayy, whatever you say. Do you know where Nicolas is staying?
-No, sadly I don't. But I promise I will try to find out.
-Okay, I don't want to pressure you.

We continued talking for a while and then I headed back. I had a small talk with my brother, that seemed exited about something but I didn't pay attention, as long as he was happy.
After that the day passed normally.

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