What Do You Mean It Was You?

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Alessandra's POV:
I reurned home. I let myself relax knowing Amelia was safe (Just as a human being caring for another not that I like her or anything). But even though I relaxed by that, I still couldn't forget the noise we heard, it wasn't just an animal, I just had this gut feeling that wouldn't leave. So there go my peaceful mind moments go. My mind was running again. Who could that be? What if someone saw us? What if Amelia gets in trouble of it? What if it was her parents? Or maybe that blonde guy? What if someone was just watching us? So I decided to find out. I got up once again and headed out. I headed to the forest determined to find out who that someone was. Midway there I thought that they might have already left but then I thought, there is a person who might have seen them. I knew where to go. I kept walking to the forest when I reached a certain point I yelled. <<OLIVER! Could you please come out? >>I saw him walking my way from behind a tree.
-Hiii! He said with the usual smile.
-Hii! How are you?
-Good, you? He said while still smiling.
-Good! I just want to ask you something.
-Sure what is it? He said willingly.
-Did you see anyone... unusual in the forest?
-No I don't think I did but what time are we talking about?
-About half an hour ago.
-No I didn't see anyone. Why are you asking?
-I'll explain as quickly as possible:Me and Amelia were sitting toghether in the forest but then we heard branches breaking and I can't shake the feeling that it was a person and not an animal.
-Ohhhh. About that...
-About what? I said suspiciously.
-Don't be mad but.
-But what?
-It was.... me. He said with a guilty smile.
-What do you mean it was you? I said with wide eyes.
-Well, since I knew you were a hopeless romantic-
-A what. I said interrupting him.
-A hopeless romantic. Now shut up and listen. Since I knew you were a hopeless romantic I wanted to see how things went. And I saw you two hug, I got exited and I wasn't careful enough and I stepped on a branch which broke. And yeahh now we're here!
-I got mad for a second. But then I thought, that means no one untrustworthy saw us so we're all good, Amelia wasn't in trouble and she was safe! I hugged him and said 'thank you' a million times!
-No problem but, why?
-Amelia is safe! I yelled hapily.
-And then you tell me you are "not a hopeless romantic".
-I'm not!
-Yeah, yeah okay and I'm straight whatever you say honey.
We both laughed knowing the lie he just said. We hang out for a but and then I headed back to the place we were staying at. With my head clear... for now...

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