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Amelia's POV:
Once I thought of where she could be. I just run hoping I don't bump into anyone I know or even worse another prince. I arrived there finally. And I saw her sitting there like how I was sitting the first time we talked. I approached her slowly and greeted her.
-Oh hi! She said with a smile that made me smile myself.
-I was hoping to find you here. I was looking for you.
-Yeah, thing were getting too much inside so I tried to find you, you know our chat the first time helped me quite a lot.
-Oh glad to hear that!
-So why are you here?
Alessandra's POV:
-Oh just wanted some fresh air. I lied, I obviously couldn't tell her that I was jealous, cause I wasn't. I was just... mad
-Okay then! She said. I was looking for you in the ballroom but I couldn't find you.
-Oh, sorry I headed out, I was going to talk to you but I saw you busy dancing with someone. So I didn't know where to go.
-Oh that guy. He is annoying that's for sure.
I smiled a little bit. That made me feel better.
-Why are you saying he seems like a good guy? I said laughing.
-Exactly he seems like a good guy. The only thing he cares about is himself.
-Honestly he looks like that type of guy. How did you escape from him?
-I found an excuse and left. I couldn't stand him anymore! Also he had put on at least a gallon of perfume.
We both laughed.
-Good thing you left then.
-Yeah and also I bumped into another guy on my way here. He is the only one that looked somewhat nice.
-How did he look like?
-He had curly light brown hair, light brown eyes and freckles. But I didn't get his name.
-That sounds like my brother.
-Well then maybe I met your brother.
We talked for a few minutes. But then it was time for both of us to head back in so we said our goodbyes and for the rest of the night we just exchanged a few looks and smiles. Once we headed back my brother said that he saw the princess but when he said that he didn't really talk to her he just bumped into her our mother started yelling at him telling him that he doesn't do anything right. I yelled back at her and immidietly my father sent us both in our room so what could we do we obeyed. Once I laid down, I couldn't forget what I felt once I saw her dancing with that guy. It was eating me up, I had my mind only on that. Was it... jealousy?

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