Chapter 8: Bad Day

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I thought today was going to be like any other. I thought I'd keep it calm and collected. I had been on a winning streak with Jen. Everything I did she found nice, but she was on the days when no matter what I said she wouldn't cheer up. She loves the flower I made her, she says it is almost like having a real flower in her hand, but she wishes that she could go out and live a real life. Not be a prisoner in this dump.

I can sympathize with her. It's not like one rose can make someone's life better. Keeping her happy was a never ending task. One that I enjoyed, don't get me wrong, but today all my efforts were futile. I began to roam the archives of all the things I've done that were successful, all the things I read that were successful, but none of them would work. The more I tried the harder it was.

There was nothing she'd respond to, but I didn't give up. I asked what would make her happy and by this point she was really annoyed. She raised her voice at me "Nothing! There is nothing we can do here! We're stuck here forever! There is nowhere we can go! No matter what you do, there is no hope for me! You could have as much hope as you want, but keep it to yourself."

I'll admit that caught me by surprise. I didn't think she'd respond like that. She was genuinely mad at me. My people skills aren't the best, so I didn't know when to draw the line. I felt so bad about it, I realize I was just forcing her to reflect on how hopeless things look for her with every single comment I made.

Maybe I pried too hard just like I said I wouldn't do. She stands up from the table "I'm leaving."

Right about then I realized that I didn't have hope either. I was just putting up a facade in order to make her feel better, but I have to be hopeful if I want to make others hopeful, or else I'd be a hypocrite. I decided to do something for me instead of it being for her and prove I did have hope, or at least start having some.

I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that came to my mind. I grabed her by the elbow and in a hush voice just so she could hear me I said "Let's escape together."

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