Chapter 19: Planning

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We update Adam on all the tactics we have thought of for our escape. Jen has been giving us equal attention since yesterday and it seems like that bothers Adam. It doesn't bother me since I don't look at Jen like she's going to be mine. I just think of her as... not his.

He gives suggestions on what we could do and he actually comes off as helpful helpful. He signaled external flaws in the structure and how it wasn't that fortified in some areas.

"We'll need tools to escape." I place a list of things we need. "If we go with the diversion plan we'll need something to start a fire, knives for various reasons." It is meant to cut anything we need to take out the way, but we know its other functions. "We'd need to steal a key, but that should be last. If they notice missing keys they'll take action against it and it'll become more difficult to escape."

They both nod showing they are following me until now. "What do we do if one of us can't make it?" Adam asks.

I hesitate to speak "... We leave without them."

Jen tries to argue, but Adam stops her. "He's right. If we go back none of us could make it out. There is a big chance of us not making it out all at once." I don't know why, but him agreeing with me sounded suspicious.

"Plan A: We start the fire using books that we smuggled from the library. While everyone is distracted, we take the keys and make a run for the gates. This plan of course needs more planning just in case any complications surface."

"Which is plan B?" Jen asks.

"I haven't thought of one yet."

"What about this..." Adam butts in. "You know the yard with the twenty foot walls?" You mean the one where you broke the leaf I had for Jen? Of course I remember! "We can find a way to divert their attention and instead of going out through the front we escape out through there."

"How are we going to scale up a twenty foot wall? Not to mention the barbed wire on top."

He grabs my paper and begins to write down words on it. "Rock and blankets"

"We tie blankets together in knots and tie a rock to the end. We toss it up to the wall and climb up. Then we use the knives to cut the barb wire."

There are many flaws to all of our plans. How will we be able to get all the materials? Where would we prepare all of this? How would we be able to bring knives out of the kitchen? All these questions swarm around my head. I begin to put pressure on it as I hear them talk out the problems and how to fix it. All of this sounds too farfetched.

I'm beginning to lose hope of escaping when out of the corner of my eye I see two guards descretely talking. I try to listen in and here them talk about a giant hurricane that is soon to come. They say it's going to be bigger than anything they've ever seen. That's it!

I stop Jen and Adam's conversation and tell them what I heard. "So?" Adam asks obnoxiously.

"So... We leave when the hurricane hits."

"What? That's stupid!" Adam rejects my idea. "If it's going to be bigger than anything we've ever seen then it'll be dangerous out there!"


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