Chapter 13: Gathering Intel

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So far we haven't really gotten much information on how to escape. We've thought of a few mothods, but it's based on a gamble. We've attempted to talk to other people, mostly our age, to help us, but most of them have their brains fried and all they do is look at us with a blank expression.

She hasn't said a word about the kiss or anything relating to it. It kinda worries me. I think about it all the time. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her. Things have gotten slightly awkward, her face turns red often and I feel a bit of tension whenever I get close to her. I think I royally screwed up. Maybe it was too early.

She spends most of her leftover time reading, the rest is consumed by attempting to gather details about the prison. I wonder what type of books she reads. She never really tells. An ironic book to have here is a prison break one.

Other than that, things have been going rather smoothly. We have been exploring every possible escape way, writing down the guard's schedules, parol patterns. If we exploit every possible flaw they have, which are many, we could get out easily. There's only one problem, getting the keys. This place is crawling with gates or barb wires. In the yard where they let prisoners get fresh air in a concrete floor and twenty foot walls, which might actually be the easiest way out.

I walk to the hall with escorts behind and in front of me. They lead me to the showers. "Time to wash up." I get in and bathe myself. At least they have proper hygiene here. I manage to strike up a conversation, after showering, with an old man who could actually hold a decent conversation, or at least more decent than most people here.

I asked him how long he's been here and he responds with a rough voice, I could hear the years of pain he'd endured "I've been here for many years young fella. Long before you were born."

"I see..." I skip right to the point "Has anyone ever tried to escape?"

"Many have... But none have succeeded."

"May I ask your name, sir?"

"My name is Eugene."

"Well... Who has ever gotten the closest to escaping?"

"My best friend."

"How?" I ask

"He lit my room on fire and ran while everyone was distracted." His body had slight burn marks on him. I could tell he was in the room at the time. I couldn't help, but feel sympathy, but I had a goal. Escape, and I couldn't afford to feel bad now.

"How'd they catch him?"

"I told them." I gulp and he notices "Wait, why are you asking me? Are you planning on escaping!?" It looked like he was about to tell the warden, but then his face went blank.

"Sir?" I wave my hand in front of him.

"Why hello young lad. What do you want?" His face regains it's life. This pained me. I knew what he had. He could remember all the way back to painful thoughts, but he can't remember something that happened a minute ago. I stand up and walk away. Why is everyone here crazy?

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