Chapter 26: This Is Bad

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The day of the escape was almost upon us. They say it'll hit in less than a week. I've waited long enough for this. In less than a week we should be either bathing in a torrent of freedom, or dead, or whatever happens to people who try to escape, which is most likely death.

It seems like me and Adam are on even ground, but there is no time to be fighting about that now. There is just one last thing to do. On the day of the escape we need to take the keys from a guard undetected. That's going to be tasking.

Although we do have the plan on how to do it, it is as probable as Adam and I being friends, to succeed. We couldn't find any other solution to it.

"Where are the keys!?" The warden busts through the door. Miller the warden. He rarely visited the jail. I hadn't seen him in a long time. It was a good thing though. Everytime I saw him it was because something bad had happened, and this was as bad as it got. "Somebody stole the keys!" The fat figure said with fire in his eyes. Everybody is frozen stiff including us. It is true that we were planning on stealing the keys, but it wasn't us who had stolen it.

"... Well answer me!" He said even more agitated thinking someone would actually answer his question. A guard pointed that out to him "You think I don't know that!?" His voice grew louder the more he talked.

Me, Jen and Adam exchange looks. We knew this was bad. I begin to realize "If they think someone stole the keys they are authorized to-"

"Guards! Search every crack on this piece of land. Those keys will be found!"

"This is bad...!" Jen can see my worried face and returns another one along with Adam. "This is really, really bad...!"

"We begin the search first thing tomorrow."

"This is really bad...! If they search for something they'll definitely find the books, knives and the lighter!" This really was a bad situation. As soon as they started the search our things would be uncovered like a raisin in a bowl of rice... Weird comparison, but I'm nervous!

As soon as they find the things we hid they would confiscate them leaving us without any tools and worst of all, they'd know it was us because it's under our table! This is really bad! Our whole plan is in jeapordy because of this one little mishap. Jen tugs on my shirt "What do we do!" She whispers loudly.

"I'm sorry Jen, but I don't know."



Bwahahaha! I'm evil! Will they come out clean from this? Will they have to postpone their escape for another ten chapters? Will it take a twist ending that will make them have to fight their way out? You'll just have to find out in the next chapter! :X) <- horns

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