Chapter 16: Sights Decieve

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I look at myself in the mirror and contemplate the person who stares back at me. I have a skinny physique, and skin almost as pale as Jen. Compared to Adam I'm a frail stick, and he's a stable rod. My eyes are a dark brown, and my brown hair looks somewhat messy, although that's how I've always liked it. Why do I keep beating myself over this? Jen only met Adam a few days ago. I'm pretty sure they are going to be out of conversation soon. I've had minor frictions with Adam. I give him a dirty look whenever he does something annoying. I guess since I've grown used to having all of Jen's attention, I am having trouble sharing her with someone else. It's been approximately two months since Jen moved into the cell next to me. That time flew by real fast. If I am to make any progress, even if I can't erase these thoughts completely, I'll at least put it aside as I look for information. The sooner we get out the better.

I enter the entertainment hall and see Jen in our usual spot without Adam. I feel a sensation of relief. "I can finally talk to her alone." I think with a sigh, and sit down next to her. "What's wrong?" I notice Jen is a bit anxious as she twists her hair with her finger.

"I have to ask Adam something." That just ruined my mood.

I was going to talk to her, but I lost all interest and went down to business. "Any new information?" I ask with a stiff voice.

"Yeah actually!" She slightly lifts herself up from her seat. "I talked to Adam the other day, but I forgot to tell you. He saw the outside of the prison on his way here. He says that it doesn't have many things around it, that it's mostly a big parking lot, but in the distance there is a forest!" She was probably excited for the forest, but this is actually helpful information. The escape isn't just planning on breaking out, but where to go afterwards. If we go to the streets they'll just catch us. "Seph..." She says whispering. "I don't think they are going to pick Adam up. I think he is in denial."

Finally she picks up on something, but I guess she's right. For some reason I really didn't like Adam, but he was, or will be going through the same things we did. If Jen wants to spend more time. I think I've been harsh on Adam. "Yeah he is." I agree.

"Why don't we include him in the escape plan!" She says excited.

"..." I pause to think, if I was in his position, I'd like him to do the same for me, so I noded.

From the corner I see Adam come with a blank expression. Perfect timing too. If I gambled (and had any money) I'd say he already figured it out, making our job a million times easier. We talked with him and confirmed that thought and filled him in on the escape plan and he took it pretty well. He kept on repeating "I can't believe they left me here..." I admit even I felt sorry for him. When it was time to leave I separated him from Jen.

"Hey, Adam." I call him.

"Yeah?" He stops and faces me.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot. I just wanted to apologize. No hard feelings, right?" I extend my hand towards him.

He looks back and sees Jen walk out the room. He smacks my hand to the side. "Just letting you know... Jen is mine."


"Don't act stupid. I know you like Jen. Well... She's mine." I can't comprehend the words that are coming out of his mouth. "You really think I'm that stupid? I know why my parents left me here and I know for a fact that they aren't coming back, but chicks fall for the hopeless act."

I felt like slugging him in the face, but I didn't have the willpower. I just hanged my head down and clenched my first and watch him walk away chuckling. "I knew it. I knew he was no good."


No seriously... 80 people read chapter 11, 26 read 12 and 53 read 13. There is some weird crap going on.

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