Escape From Reality

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Escape to Reality

The trees drip water making the serene looking forest sound even more peaceful. I am soaking wet with Jen in my arms. We are shivering under some branches that provided us shelter from the storm holding on to any warmth left in our body. The morning sun slips through the leaves and hits us. The storm was finally over, but we were left freezing and anemic. I feel my wound, sealed with something Jen managed to whip up and I wonder if it really is there. This scene is too perfect for me. Sure, I was cold, but I was happy. Our "prison" left behind, Jen in my arms with her eyes shut tightly, my wound all patched up by the girl who just coincidentally studied some remedies from a nature book... Maybe I was just lying on my face alone in the middle of a downpour, near death. Maybe I'm already dead and this is just what I think would be heaven... Or hell. Whatever it was, I just held on to Jen's cold body and warmed up her limp hands with mine as a tear dropped from my eye.

   "We finally made it. This is the end of it... You finally got to see the outside world. I'm glad I was the one to show it to you..."

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