Chapter 27: Nothing Goes Our Way

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   I was wondering "Why tomorrow morning? Why not today?" Not that I was complaining, but it makes no sense to make it the next day... It just gives people enough time to hide it in a better place. I didn't understand until I went into my cell. They were checking everyone, everywhere to see if they had anything stashed. That's when it hit me. That's exactly what they want! They want to lure out the culprit by making them re-hide the key and when they see any suspicious activity they bust them. It's devious...! and genius!

   I was having this conversation with Jen and Adam and she gives me a huge clonk on the head. "Stop praising the enemy! We have a huge problem on our hands! Three people were caught trying to hide knives and phones. Yet no one was caught with a key which means that they are still searching today and we are still in danger of being caught."

   I know it is not the time for this, but I am actually impressed by Jen. She really thought about this. It seems like she is falling back into reality. Aside from that she is right. We have to think of something fast! They aren't letting us leave a designated area while they search. They started in the cells. Where they looked even under the damn toilet.

   When they were done nobody found the key. "Search the entertainment hall!" The warden rushes out the door. They finally let us leave the chairs and we went up to the outside of our cells where the entertainment hall was within view.

   "Maybe they won't look under the table." Jen tells me as they flip over the chairs and tables. "...never mind."

   They keep on flipping tables until they were near ours. The desperation of the moment pushed me to do something drastic. I looked over to a man who seemed about three times my weight "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you please punch me!"

   "...What?" The man looks at me like I'm mad... Which I probably am. Jen looks at me confused.

   "Ugh!" I guess I have to take matters into my own hands. I slug the man with all my force in the face. He jerks back and quickly returns the favor. A fist exchange began and I have to say he was more generous than I was.

   Jen caught on to my stunt and played along "Guards!" She called over to the guards that were looking for the key near our table. "Guards! There's a fight!"

   They rushed to our position and pulled a three hundred pound man off of me. That's all I can offer. If they find it now I'll know there was nothing I could have done about it. "Hey! Break it up, you two!" I don't know what he was talking about "two". I don't believe you have to stop a punching bag stop fighting with the boxer.

   Jen helps me up. "You're crazy!" She says half worried if I'm okay and half chuckling. "I can't believe you did that!"

   "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine thanks for asking." I stand up limping.

   They are hauling that man away. They obviously think he started it even though he's screaming "He started it! It wasn't me!"

   I extend my hand towards him and mouth the words "I'm very sorry."

   I just hope I bought us enough time. I resume to look at the guards flipping tables. I see Adam near his cell looking at the tables nevously. They are right there! The men walk over to our table and begin to flip over tables. They flip the first: nothing under it. They flip the second: nothing under it. Same thing with the third and fourth. When they get to the chair it was under I feel Jen grip my shoulder. The suspense was killing me. Why didn't something good just happen to us for once. He grabs the chair and lifts it.

   I shut my eyes knowing that they're coming for us and hear the guards scream "Everyone look at what I found!"

   "I know who sits there!" Another guard shouts back.

   "Go get them at once!" The warden orders.

   I know what's coming, Jen also had her eyes shut next to me as she said "Why does nothing go our way?" We were so close to making it out too.



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