Chapter 23: Preparing

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After my pact with the divil himself it seems like conflict was halted for a brief period of time. The day of our escape was quickly approaching and we had to prepare. First materials: books. These are meant to be collected during the escape so we can cross them off for now.

The next material were the rock, also easy, we found some on the yard and placed them down near the wall. Following the rocks were three knives and a lighter.

"Do you remember the plan?" I ask them. They both shake their heads up and down.

We are all standing in front of the kitchen when Adam suddenly drops on the floor, shaking like a mad man. Jen shouts for help. The guards along with the cooks rush towards Adam. In the confusion I slip through them and enter the kitchen. How did I get stuck with the hard part?

I rummage around for some knives and find them. When I hear footsteps come in through the door. "I hope that kid's okay." One voice says.

"Well we don't have time to worry. The food will burn."

I duck under the cutting table. If they see me here I'll be in deep trouble. I have to get out. I don't know how long Adam can stall them. I try getting up and I bang my head on the table.

"Did you hear that?" One man says

"I did..." I hear them walk towards me. "I think it came from here."

"Ugh, I hope it's not rats. I hate rats." I see the man's feet right behind me. I hold my breath and I stand motionless. "There's nothing here." He shouts out to the other one and walks away. I let out a sigh of relief. If that's how they look for rats, I am afraid about their cleanliness.

"Look around it, you idiot!" He makes him turn around to me. This is it, I'm going toK be caught!, and with knives... I'll disappear, never to be seen again. I was so close! I close my eyes and wait to be caught.

"Hey!" He shouts "What are you doing here!? This is a restricted area! You'll be punished!"

"Damn it... I screwed up ba-"

I'm interrupted by Jen's voice. "I know, I'm sorry, but we really need your help. It's an emergency."

"Okay." The man responds "...But we don't want to see you here again, girl!" They both run out the door with Jen. My heart skipped about ten beats. I was basically dead for a few seconds. I stand up thanking Jen with all my heart. If it weren't for her, we'd all be screwed.

I walk out and I pick up the lighter on my way. That's another item off my list and stash them inside my shirt. As I walk through the crowd of people surrounding a vicious Adam that wont budge no matter how many people carry him, nobody notices where I came from. I walk around them and give Adam the signal. He immediately calms down and shoots up on his feet. Everyone leans back in suprise.

"I'm okay.." He says staring at all of them like they were the ones who just had a seizure. Someone tried grabbing him and he shakes off "I said I'm okay!" He opens his eyes wide and backs away from the circular wall of flesh that was built around him.

He sits next to us and we stay motionless until the crowd of people stop staring at us, which took a while, but they eventually got bored. "That was amazing!" I say in a hushed voice. "I can't believe we pulled it off!"

"Me neither!" Jen says estatic while Adam fans himself with his invisible fan "I did most of the work."

I ignore the sheer stupidity that is Adam and proceed to the next stage... stashing it.


I don't know why, but I feel my chapters have been kinda boring lately. I just finished chapter 30 so trust me... Its going to get better. :3

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