Chapter 24: A Moment Of Peace

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   We gather supplies from the library to conceal the knives and lighter under the table. It was hard to act cool while taping knives to the bottom of a table without looking suspicious, but we finally made it. Sadly all we had done was just the easy part. We still had to get the key from the guards somehow, but that was for the end. At least we have a moment of peace while we wait for this hurricane to hit. We can just go back to our normal calm lives...

   "Jen..." Adam says with a cocky smile "I've noticed you have been happier for a while now." He inches closer to her. 

   Jen gives a shy smile "I've been so caught up in the plan that all my worries have been... left behind. It doesn't really matter if we don't make it or not... we had fun while it lasted." Even though that is wishful thinking, it's depressing to hear. 

   "I feel the same." He places his arm around her. He doesn't even care about what she's saying! I doubt he's even paying attention! He is just hitting on Jen and she doesn't even notice! Jen why do you have to be such an air head? "We'll make it out as long as I'm here. I'll garantee it."

   I see Jen blush as he puts his arm around her. I cross my arms and sink deeper into my seat. "Are you serious? How can you be so sure?" Jen asks turning to his face that is just an inch away.

   "I have faith in me and you." Oh my god he makes me sick! 

   "Jen... You have to see his crap! You just have to-" I see Jen believe every bit of it "I... just lost all hope in humanity." I hear the seat calling me deeper in as the conversation progresses. I see how into Adam's crap Jen is. "What if she likes him? She probably likes him... It makes sense now. It looks like I'm losing that bet." I sink deeper in, but not into the seat, but into a dull depression. I thought I was done being so sensitive, but it turns out I wasn't. This is begining to get more difficult as events progress. I have to do something to impress Jen and win her back. I would lose all my reasons to escape this place if I lose Jen. To be honest, I had grown used to the place. Why would I want to leave a protected place with all the books I can read for a dark outside world with no books, and no place to sleep. All there is, is work and more work. I knew why, Jen was the reason.

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