Chapter 28: Manifestation Of Power

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We open our eyes to see guards running up the hallway directed at us. Jen grabs hold to my hand and I grab hold of hers. Looks like that was the end of our run. Why did it have to end like this after all our hard work? I raise my hand indicating I didn't want trouble as the guard zooms past me.

I stand there dumbfounded. I look over to Jen who looks how I feel. "Don't ask me..." She says in a confused voice.

We follow the guard's path until he moves out of sight. In seconds two guards come out carrying a man. "No! I swear I didn't do it! I never saw that key there!"

I look back at the scene I had closed my eyes to and see the guard put our chair down without looking under it as the warden picks his key off of the bottom of a table. They kneel him down in front of Miller. "You know what this is?" He waves the key in his face. The man nods. "Of course you do! You stole it, and you know what happens to people who break the rules?" The man shakes his head unable to speak. Miller signals the guards and they take him away.

"No! No! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! I swear!" His voice kept on getting weaker the farther away the guards took him.

I drop all the tense muscles I was carrying and let out an air of relief. I feel bad for that man, but I also feel good now that I'm not at risk of being caught. We all know we weren't going to see that man again. Jen won't let go of my hand. Everything is over, but she won't let go of my hand. I don't mind though. We just got saved by the bell. "You never feel more alive than when you're almost die." These words were so true.

"Looks like we finally got something to go our way." I tell Jen patting her head lightly. I ruffle it up a bit and smile at her. She skints at first, but finally let's go of a smile.

"Let this be a warning for all of you...!" The warden's voice echoes through the whole jail. "You better not be caught escaping! The punishment WILL be severe! If I catch any of you doing anything remotely related I'll deal with you myself." He storms out of the hall and the crowd that formed to spectate dispersed.

I give a confident smirk at the spot Miller was standing. Jen looks puzzled "Why are you smiling?"

"He said 'You better not be caught trying to escape...', right?" Jen nods. I face her with the same smirk "We won't be caught trying to escape. It's as simple as that."



Escape to reality is finally coming to its conclusion. I hope you enjoyed the book until now and I can assure you the next few chapters will be very exciting. Please vote for the story and during the end I'll let you in on a little secret/surprise. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed. It has been very fun writing this. I hope my efforts have been worth it. Thanks for letting me reach 2k!

Also, I waited to send this chapter because it didn't get the appropriate amount of views. It's not that I didn't have the chapters ready. I just finished writing the last chapter!

NEXT CHAPTER: Today Is The Day... Escape!

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