Chapter 25: A Competitive Dance

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   Adam has been flirting non-stop with Jen and it's beginning to make me sick. Not an angry 'sick', but a serious 'sick'. It hurts to see the girl you like being flirted on by another guy. I just wanted it to stop. I kept on imagining fantasies where the hurricane came and I end up saving Jen... Too bad they were only fantasies. When I snapped out of them I came back to Adam and Jen on their mating ritual.

   "Adam." I finally gain the courage to stop them. "Do you know why you were put in this prison?"

   He nods and looks away. "... I'd rather not talk about it..."

   "It's just that me and Jen don't know why were here... and if you'd share how you got here it could help us figure it out." I don't really care why, I just found the first thing I could to make it stop. On the other side, I get Jen on my side because she is staring at Adam without blinking.

   "I said I don't want to talk about it!" Adam shouts out mildly startling Jen. "I'm sorry... I just don't want to talk about it." Why did I get the feeling that it is something important... I decide to drop it either way.

   I wasn't going to push him more than I had to, but before he started again I interrupted him "Do you have a home to go back to?"

   "... No, I don't." This obviously meant he is planning on escaping with Jen and being with her.

   "Well then..." I should have spoken more because the silence gave him enough time for something else.

   "Have you ever danced?" He asks Jen.

   "No... Not really."

   There was a soft music that played off of some old radio in the back which provided the perfect setting for him. He leads her up from the table, put his hand on her waist and she placed her hand on his shoulder. They began to tumble over each other for a while until they got the rhythm. After that it was a smooth "one, two", as they say in the movies that they show once in a while in the TV room.

   After a while they both sat down again giggling. I've been sitting here feeling like the third wheel for a while now... I'll be damned if I continue that way. I stand up abruptly and extend my hand to Jen. "Care to dance?" I say in the most fancy voice I can spit up. She laughs at me and takes my hand.

   I stumble over her like a fool for a bit until I finally catch the rhythm to it as they did, but I wasn't going to do the same thing Adam did. No, I'd top it. After we danced for a bit I pulled a risky move that I saw of TV. I twirled her and she went along. I must admit it was a bit rough, but it looked like she enjoyed it. Pretty soon there were like three other pairs that were dancing along with us. Jen was having a blast, I was having a blast, even the people around us were having a blast. This is probably the first time in a while they've danced. Everyone was happy... except Adam who we all had to thank for his glorious idea.

   I pull another move from the TV shows. I place her hands in a way that I'm hugging her mid twirl (I have no idea what that dance move is called), and finally my goal is achieved. She's blushing like crazy. I spin her back to her original position and we dance for a bit more.

   "You're good." Jen tells me.

   "I guess I am gifted in the art of dancing" I say with a funny accent while make a funny face. We share a laugh "You're not that bad, either. At least for someone who has never danced before in her life. You picked it up in a few minutes."

   "Looks like we're both gifted." She smiles.

   "I really am, aren't I." She looks at me confused. I meant I was gifted for having her in my life. I give her a kiss in the forehead, clearly reminding her of the kiss from before "Thanks for giving me hope, Jen." See, I got this flirting thing down. The thought is completely verified by Adam's face which is flushed with jealousy.



   To tell you the truth these chapters are basically fillers to make you more connected with the characters so that when something happens to them (hint hint) you'll feel attached to them.
I'm evil, I know. ;) MWAHAHAHAHA

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