🧸👘💕44: Because I Love Her💕👘🧸

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I know I can be an asshole sometimes, especially to people to annoy me all the time like that Mikan Tsumiki crybaby. I don't understand why she crys all the damn time, her eyes should be dryer than a desert because of how much she cries! I'm tired of her every sob because it shows annoying! I may like making fun of that nasty swanky bitch, but not to the point where all she does is cry! Where is her backbone?

Does she even have one!?

Big sis suggested that I talk to frog legs about my feelings towards Poomiki, but I'd rather big sis herself talk to me about it. I don't care what she is talking about as long as she is happy near me! Mahiru isn't a bad person! She is the nicest person I've met at this school; she helped teach me how to tie my kimono, she would always help me try to be a nicer person, she gives me candy as she doesn't mind my dancing!

My heart gets so fluttery near her but I don't mind it because she says she also feels the same near me! But I'm scared.

I'm scared that she...that she would judge me for my family. For how I act.

I'm scared she'll meet grandma..and I don't want her to feel what she has done to me. I don't want her feet to be scarred with dots on her feet from the pins they'd put in my dancing shoes. I don't want her nose to be ruined with the stench of rotting rats in her mattress.

I don't want her to be sad.

I can't let her be sad. Not when she's one of my best friends

I don't want her to be sad at all

Because I love her

Tears Are In My Eyes And I Can't Stop Them (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now