Chapter 21

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We go into the theater, and three girls about 15 years old see ross and run over to us fast. They ask "OMG is this your girlfriend?" "OMG, what movie are you seeing?" "Can I have..."

I was fine with it, but they really were a little crazy, but he takes pictures with them and signs their phone cases. We get our popcorn, ICEE's, and try to fine where the movie is. We walk down the dark hall and up the lightly lit stairs, to the top row in the middle, so no one can see us kissing, a lot.

We watch the previews and eat popcorn as we wait for the movie to start soon.

OMG, I see my best friend, Brook, I kind if forgot to mention to her about Ross. She is with a friend to, and it's her other friend Grace.

Ok, I guess we both have something to explain to each other. Brook sees me and says,"hey, Ashley ummm, is that Ro-Ro-Ross Lynch?"

I say,"yep this is Ross. Ross this is Brook."

He says,"hey Brook, it's nice to meet you. Ashley has told me so much about you," oh thank you Ross! She would have been pisted if he didn't know about her.

Brook says,"hi, I'm Ashley's best friend. Ashley can I talk to you a sec?" She whispers as we walk a few feet away,"why didn't you tell me you were dating Ross Lynch? I'm here with Grace because she asked me, I couldn't say no."

I say trying to claim her down," I wanted to tell you, just not by text. Ya'll can sit by us, may regret it."

She says,"ok, Grace and I will sit right there." She points to the row in front of us and to the left. I nod ok, and go back to Ross to sit down. He smiles as he moves the arm rest, so I can lean on his chest. The movie starts, but then one time I look up at him and he is already staring at me.

Because I have the best luck ever, we bonk heads and we laugh. Ross holds my face and just stares, and then he kisses me passionately, the things he does when we kiss are awesome. He usually holds me close to him as possible. It gives me the best butterflies in the world.

After the passionate kiss, we finish eating the popcorn we got. Later the movie sadly ends, and we walk out, towards the photo-booth.

We jump in the photo booth, the first picture is a funny face I stick my tongue out and cross my eyes. Ross gives me bunny ears, and he stick his tongue out and crosses his eye also. In the next one we both give each other bunny ears, and we put our hands together to make a heart while smiling.

The third we looked into each other's eyes. Then in the fourth one we kissed. It's funny, Ross can tell when it butterflies in my tummy. I can tell this because he pulls me in tighter and tighter. I love it so much.
After we release, we wait for the pictures to come out.

Once they come out we fan them around and wait for them to dry. When we get out, I bump into a strange looking boy. OMG, it's a freak who has liked me since he saw me the first day of 7th grade, not Ross, a weirdo from my school.

The weirdo says,"Hey Ashley. Who is this? Isn't he a little old for you?" He looked at the pictures in my hand as he asked the questions.

I say,"this is Ross, he is 17 years old, and ba bye." When I turn to walk away, he tries to slap my butt.

Ross stops him and says,"what the hell, get away from her!"

The idiot says,"or what? You kick my a** you couldn't fight me if you tried." I thought Ross should have punched him right then and there, but like the smart person Ross is, he didn't.

He said,"I don't know what your problem is, but get away from her and never talk to me like that again. Because it would be so easy to kick your a**."

He responds,"it's ok Ashley, I'll see you at school, maybe we can have some fun there."

I cough under my breath, "sicko," while we walk out of the theater.

After that craziness, the limo drives up, we get in.

Ross says,"what do you want to do now?"

I say,"I don't know. I live here, I have done everything here. What do you want to do?"

He replies,"is there an arcade anywhere around here?"

I say,"there is a Gaddy Town."

He says,"perfect." and tells the driver where to go.

We get there in about 5 minutes because we were so close to Gaddy Town. We get out and walk in to pay, and we stand in line. I don't think I realized quite how handsome Ross was until I saw him under that light. There is only one word I can think of when I look at Ross in that moment.

"Perfect." I say, not knowing I said it out loud, and I don't realize why he says something back.

He says,"well there is only one person who seems pretty perfect for me too." I blush like crazy, and he kisses my cheek.
We go past the desk after he pays, and we get pizza.

Ross says,"look at all the different kinds and you get pepperoni."

I say,"gee, sorry I'm to boring compared to you. Ha ha."

Ross says,"opposites attract."

I say,"when I was little, I would always pay attention when actors and actresses said that in a movie, and I never knew why until now."

After we get our pizza we go sit down and the movie room. And guess what is on. "Austin and Ally"

Ross says," we can go somewhere else if you don't want to watch."

I say,"I'm fine. The 'kisses' with 'Ally' are so fake. No offense"

Ross says,"none taken." I listen to people's conversations. I hear things like "isn't that him over there?" And,"how is that him over there?" I just didn't pay attention to them, and I kept eating. The episode is the one when "Austin" sings "Steal Your Heart", so when it was time for that song to start I see Ross start to warm up.

"Austin" starts to sing and so does Ross. Of course this gets people's attention, so by the end of the beautiful song everyone in there was starting at Ross and me saying, "Awww!" because of the way he sang it to me. We soon later finished eating out pizza, and we walk into the arcade.
Author's Note:
Did you like it?!?!?❤️❤️
What color are Ross' eyes??
I need to know!

Ugh, I don't want to go to school tomorrow!!!
Sorry for any spelling errors, I felt like there were a lot!❤️

Happy Late Valentines Day!!❤️❤️
How was ur day!?!??

I LOVE U!!!❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

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