Chaper 20

106 10 14

After we got on the bus Ross says,"what do you want to do now? It's only 8. Are there any ice cream places around here? "

I smile and say,"there's a 32 degrees by Walmart."

Ross response,"Yum, that sounds great! Hey mom before we drop Ashley off, can we go to 32 degrees by Walmart? Pleeeeaaasssseeee!" Stomie says sure and the bus heads in that direction.

On the ride there Ross and I decide to hang out in his loft. It's tiny, but it's just the right size to cuddle in. So we cuddle, and we talk until we get there. Omg! Cuddling with Ross is amazing. Soon later, the nine of us get out of the bus, and we go inside.

When we open the door, I see many people in my grade, and many others that go to Petal but older than me. The most "prettiest" girl in my grade walks up to me and Ross in awe because of the people walking in behind me.

She awkwardly says,"Are you Ross Lynch from 'Austin and Ally'?"

I introduce them,"Rose, Ross. Ross, Rose."

Ross says the most awesome thing he could have said. He says,"Hey. I'm Ross Lynch, a close friend of Ashley."

Rose says"I'm a friend of Ashley's at school." She is clearly star struck, and it's harlious to see the look on her face. She walks back over to her "friends". We walk up to the yogurt machines, and I start to get my yogurt. Ross gives me a "really" face.

I say,"What?"

Ross says,"look at all the flavors and you get birthday cake and chocolate." Clearly he is trying to make the girl jealous of us and our happiness. Thanks Ross for being this awesome.

I smile and say," Gee, sorry I'm not as rossome as you."

Ross says smiling,"Oh, but you are," we finish getting our yogurt, he pays, and we sit down.

I say,"why am I never allowed to pay for my own food?"

Ross says"Well you said it yourself, I'm rossome." I smile and we finish eating our ice cream. So many people from my school came in, and they just stare at us as they walk past us. I don't know how the Lynchs' deal with getting stated at some much, I guess they are used to it by now.

We finish our frozen yogurt, and we jump in the bus. Sadly I am driven back to my house. Just like our first date, he walks me to my door and kisses me amazingly. Then I unlock it and float up my stair to dream about Ross and my awesome day.

After that wonder day, we only have a few days left until Ross and his family have a to leave. So we'll make the most out of it. He texts me Wednesday at bout 11:15.

Ross-What do you want to do today?

Me-Want to see a movie?

Ross- Yes! THE GIVER! A what time?

Me-12:50,3:05, 5:20, 7:45, or 10:05?

Ros-Wow,how did you find that so fast? And 12:50

Me-I've got my own kind of rossomeness! And yeah, see u then.

Ross-I'll pick you up, ok?

Me-You don't have to, but ok, see you then!

Ross- Ok, see ya

Then I realize I only have 45 minutes because the movie theather is so far away, so I get moving fast. Take a shower in only 15 minutes, and I threw on a shirt with a black, yellow, and pink tiger. Then my favorite short shorts and my pink converse, and the shirt also has a slit down the back and you can almost see a lot of my back sometimes.

After I'm dressed I I put on my makeup I put on berry-blue Chapstick because I know there will be kissing. I use the restroom and hear the doorbell ring. I spray myself with perfume, I run downstairs, and no I didn't trip.

I open the door and see Ross's wonderful face. At first we just smile at each other, then he comes in and closes the door, and we kiss passionately. His right hand is on my waist and his left is in my hair.

When we finally release from each other he says,"you ready," I nod yes and we walk out the door. And I see a limo, the same one from our first movie date. We jump in it, and "Marry You" by Bruno Mars is playing. I can't tell you how many times I watched R5's cover of "Marry You" wanting Ross to sing it to me. He sings it as beautifully as he ever could.

After the song, I attacked him with kisses, and he did the same to me. It got kind of intense to where his hand is up my back touching my bra.

I say,"you know I want to wait, right?"

He says,"yes, why ya asking?"

I reply,"just letting you know"

Ross says,"that's fine I want to wait too"

I say,"you mean you have never..."

He says,"nope, I've never felt this way about someone the way I feel about you."

I say,"wow Ross, that really means a lot."

Ross,"well it is the truth. I've never felt this way until I meet you."

The rest of the way there, we hug each other, never wanting to leave each other's arms ever again.Once we get there, we get out of the limo, and we buy our tickets. But when I say "we" I mean Ross because as you know he will never let me pay for anything. I guess he really is a true gentleman at heart.

Author's Note:
I'm currently in a car listening to Taylor Swift's album, going to the beach to eat!!❤️❤️
What r u doin today?!?!

What color r Ross' eyes?? I've heard they are either brown or hazel.

I hope u liked the chapter!!!❤️❤️❤️
If I have time, I'll try to update again today!

I LOVE YOU!!❤️❤️

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