Chapter 10

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Once Ross and I are in my house, I receive a text message from Lindsey. Ross's phone goes off soon after.

He says,"my dad says I can stay over tonight."

"Ok, let me see what Lindsey texted me," I reply.

Lindsey-hey Ashley, my mom says we can have a sleepover.

Me-ok, we will be over in 10.

After I have closed the door, I run up the stairs as fast as possible...without tripping! :)

When Ross reaches the top of the stairs he giggles and says,"do u have a extra toothbrush for me?" He says this trying to make fun of the conversation my mom and I had a few minutes ago.

I laugh and say,"well sure, I think there is one...under the sink, in the kitchen, but it may have some comet in it. It has been used to clean my shoes a few times."

He gives me a "really" face as we walk into my bedroom and says,"come on, you have to have another toothbrush somewhere, other than that one downstairs."

I say,"fine...since, I don't want to smell your stinky breath, I guess I'll try to find a toothbrush for you."

He gets a huge grin on his face and shouts like a little kid,"yeah, I feel loved!"

I walk into my bathroom with Ross behind me. I open the cabinet and kneel on my hard bathroom floor searching for an extra toothbrush. I look through all the hoopla, and I finally find a new toothbrush in a plastic container, like the kind you get from the dentist.

After I find him a toothbrush, I stand up and grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap for my face, in my other hand.

I turn around and look up at Ross and hand him the toothbrush. I say,"this is the finest of all the toothbrushes I could find."

He says,"well thank you very much...happen to have a shirt I can borrow?"

I say,"nope, as long as your mouth is not stinky...I'm good," I say while I walk to my bedroom, grab my suitcase, and throw random clothes in, along with my toothbrush and other things I will most likely need.

"Oh, so you just want my mouth clean, so you can kiss it," he says with a devilish look in his eyes.

I role my eyes and walk down the stairs with my suitcase as I say,"come on slow poke, let's get over there before my mom thinks we were kidnapped."

He laughs while I unlock my door, and we walk outside. I lock my door, and we walk to Austin's house.

Just to let you know, in the past I liked Austin. He's not ugly, but he is a little short and...well I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess I'm trying to say, I used to like him, but I don't anymore.

But, when I did like him, my best friend Brook, who you have not heard of until now, told him I liked him. So I don't even want to think about what he could have been thinking when he first saw Ross.

Ok, so where was I...oh yeah, we walked to Austin's house, and we walk through the front door this time.

When we walk through the door, my neighbors who saw you come through the door say hey, and Austin's mom says from he couch on the other side of the room,"all the kids are in Austin's room."

I walk to the right into Austin's room with Ross right behind me, and I am instantly greet by Rhor with a sneak attach hug.

"Hey little buddy...can I breath now?" I say as he squeezes me tightly.

He replies,"sorry I'm just really happy you and Austin Moon are sleeping here," as he turns to Ross.

Ross is obviously used to little kids calling him "Austin Moon" so he nicely says,"Rhor my really name is Ross, so from now on please call me Ross."

Rhor says,"ok...I'll try," as he walks out of the room into his own.

Austin has a bunk bed,so Mike is on the top, while Lindsey and Austin are sitting on the bottom bunk.

I sit down next to Lindsey, watching Austin and Mike play a game on his wii.

A few minutes go by and not much happens, so Austin finally says,"who wants to play 'Just Dance 2'?"

Oh great...this is going to be a fight to the death. :/

Authors Note:
Thank u people who have commented!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

You made my boring day a lot better!!!

Plzzz comment & vote!!!

It does encourage me to keep writing!!!❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁

P.S. If you're reading this you are ROSSOME!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

What time is it where u r??
It is 11:15 pm where I am.

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