Chapter 1

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Oh my goodness, I always believed I would meet Ross Lynch, but I was never really sure how I would. So here is one way I think it could happen.

It was a hot June day in Mississippi. I was walking to my friend's house, my friend named Mary. Then out of nowhere a large bus turns down my street. It stops right next to me, and I see six tall people jump out.

At first I am stunned, I am in front of Ross, Riker, Ellington, Rocky, Rydel, and Ryland. They all turn to me obviously in distress, and they all scream at once,"We need to pee now! Our little brother clogged the toilet in the bus!"

I show them to my bathroom, but there is only one toilet working in my house, so they have to wait on each other. During this time I learn a few things. They tell me why they are here, and why they turned down my street. They told me, they got lost trying to find a stage in a near by town.

After they all pee, I explain to them how to get to the stage, and they nicely give me a VIP ticket to their concert.

Everyone starts walking out my door, and I have stairs in my house. So being my clumsy self, I trip. Ross was luckily in front of me, and caught me before I fell all the way down the stairs on my butt.

When he caught me, our lips were only a few inches apart. He slowly sets me down on my feet, on the wooden floor. He gazes into my eyes like he didn't know what to think about what just happened. I know because that's how I felt.

After we broke out of our trans, he just smiles at me. Riker yells for him to get back on the bus, but he doesn't move an inch. Riker then calls again for him, and Ross finally walks out the door.

He then says,"Hey, well I know I shouldn't do this but...hand me your phone." I do this then he hands it back and says,"Ok my number is in there, text me." He kisses my cheek and jogs back to the door of the bus.

I walk back into my house, truly star struck. Walk up my stairs, back to my bedroom. I take out my phone and text Ross.

Me- Hey, this is Ashley, the girl you just gave your number to.

Ross- Hey, want to see a movie Saturday?

Me-Sure, what movie? Nothing scary or

Ross- That's what I was thinking, but I don't know what movie.

Me- Ummm, well I just looked up a movie, Guardians of the Galaxy at 7:50?

Ross- Yesss, I have been dying to see that movie!

Me- LOLZ, ok, see you at the Grand Theater.

Ross-Ok, see you then.

After those exciting text messages, run over to my friends house and tell he about what just happened to me 10 minutes ago. The funny thing is, well, I guess she didn't believe me at first, so it took me like 10 minutes to make her believe.

But after I got through to her, she and I ran back to my house to make sure I had something to wear on my first date ever. Sadly my clothes weren't my biggest problem. My mom made me ask him for his mom's number, so she could call them because she wasn't home when R5 came to my house.

But after she talked to them, she told me I was too young to date, so we are only going to "hang out" in my mom's eyes.
Well after that craziness, my friend, Mary and I had a sleepover to get me ready for one of the biggest nights of my life. We talk a lot, I tell her about R5 and Ross, and how awesome they seem so far. So of course, she has to remind me that Ross lives in California.

But she reassures me and says,"I believe a long distance relationship can work if you really love the other person and believe it can work."

Author's note:
Be honest good or bad??
To long or to short??
Should I stop because it stinks??
What should I do???
Remember I started this when I was 13.

#*Yes I know "Guardians of the Galaxy" was this year. But I didn't know what movie to put. :)



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