Chapter 14

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Mary and I get bored, a lot, so we started making videos about really random things when we were younger. The crazy thing is... I never told Ross about this, so he doesn't know how hyper Mary can get during the videos. after Mary says yes to Ross, I grab my iPod from my left front pocket, and I hand it to her as she and I get huge grins on our faces. Ross smiles awkwardly and says,"what's going on?"

I say,"you'll see," as Mary gets on the floor, in front of her deck, with a bench sticking out of it. She looks behind the bench to find a Dr. Doofenshmirtz doll with big eyes that pop out of the head. Once she finds it, she pulls it out, and she screams,"yessss!"

While this happens, Mary sits down as I crawl to the farthest part of the bed, and Ross follows me. There is a green and white volleyball on the bed, so I roll it to me.

Mary starts singing,"Dr. Doofenshmirtz evil incorporated..." then I throw the volleyball at the doll on the short, wooden bench.

When the ball hits the bench, it bounces off the bench, and it hits Mary in the stomach. She then screams and laughs,"oh my stomach, ohhhhh!"

I am screeching in the background,"Dr. D died!!" After Mary stands up, Ross looks at us like we are crazy,

Ross finally asks,"what was that???" Mary and I look towards each other, and we giggle.

He is clearly confused, and I say, "Mary, let me see the iPod," then she hands me my iPod.

Ross most of forgot she even had the iPod in her hand, so when he sees the iPod in my hand, he says,"oh, you were videoing that?"

I reply, "yep, want to see?"

He then replies,"duh, that was nuts." Then I unlock the iPod, go to the video, and press the play button.

The video replays, and as soon as video ends, each of us are sprawled across Mary's bed laughing out of control. My tummy starts to hurt from the laughing as Ross laughs, "why in the world was that so funny? I've never laughed so hard at something so stupid!"

I laugh, "that's what I wonder all the time." After a while, we calm down, so Mary asks us if we want some ice cream.

We agree we should get ice cream, so we run to Mary's kitchen. We find Mary's cousin by the refrigerator starting to eat the last popsicle in the house. We all stare awkwardly for a few seconds. All of a sudden, Mary runs to her, and she jumps on her oldest cousin. Her cousin screames, "get off of me you idiot!!"

Mary jumps off of her cousin and screams , "mom, Beth called me an IDIOT!!!" Then they go running into Mary's mom's bedroom screaming at each other.

I turn to Ross, smile, and say, "and that's our cue to leave..."

He replies, "I agree."

I scream,"bye Mary, see you later!" And Ross and I walk out the garage door back to my house.

Author's Note:
My next chapter will be longer!
It took a long time to write the Dr. D!!
I hope you liked it!!
Look at the picture!!! The smiley faces look the same!!! The picture on the right is from their LOUDER ablum.


Love you!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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