Chapter 17

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After I pee, wash my face, and brush my teeth, I try to decide what swim suit to wear. It take both Mary and me, but we do it. I finally decided to wear my new bikini to swim, so I wear a blue towel jumper over it.

It is going to be 4:30 when we swim, so I really don't need to put sunscreen on now. I walk to Mary's with my towel, goggles, and my phone in my hands. We jump on her trampoline, pet her 5 dogs, eat lunch, and watch a movie waiting until 4:15 comes.

When my phone says 4:15 we walk to my house to wait for R5 and Ryland. Oh my gosh! Mary totally likes Ryland! She always says "R5 and Ryland," and she always says "Ryland" louder than R5!

At 4:30 thelimo drives into my neighbor, and it stops in front of my house. One by one all the Lynch's plus Ratliff jump out of the limo. Then the limo drives out of my neighborhood. Each of them have swim suits on, so I say to them,"hey guys. This is my friend, Mary."

They all awkwardly say,"hey Mary." They all said it awkwardly on purpose.

"Mary R5 and Ryland," I say to Mary.

She nervous says,"hiya."

I say,"we will be swimming in her pool over there," as I point to Mary's house. We all walk to Mary's house, and we see the rest of my neighbors are there also. That means Austin, so I hopefully nothing weird happens. We all get in the pool different ways. The boys jumps in from the diving board, and the girls go in slowly by the stairs.

After five or ten minutes of not doing much, Austin randomly says,"hey want to play Category?" everyone says yes. Ross and I get on the same side of the pool. "Ice cream, Oreo, cholate, vanilla, cookie dough, rocky road," Austin says. So Riker, Rocky, Rydel, and Ross and I move to the opposite sides of the pool.

I look up, and Austin has somehow tagged Riker. So, now it is his turn. This continues for about 7 to 10 minutes, then everyone does jumps and flips until they are tired.

After the games Riker, Rocky, Rydel, Rattilff, Ryland, and Ross and I go back to my house and change. Then 4/5 of R5 and Ryland leave to their hotel. Ross and I go outside, and we see my neighbors are build️ing a fire behind my house.

So we ask if we can sleep outside, and my mom and my neighbors say yes. So Ross and I get a tent from one of my neighbors, and we build it. It took us some time but we did it, we put the tent up. When I say "we" I mostly mean me. I mostly put the tent up.

After a few hours of siting in a chair by the beautiful fire and chatting, I walk to the tent and tell everyone good night. I thought I would fall asleep right away, but I didn't. So before I knew it, there was someone in the tent with me. I didn't see a face I just felt his body touch mine and I kissed him.

"This is awesome Mary I didn't know you were this cool." It was Austin in the tent.

I scream,"Austin what is wrong with you! Get away from me!" He is shorter than me and doesn't weigh much, so I kick he out of the tent. Then Ross almost beats the crap out of Austin, but I stop him before anything happens.

"Ross, beating him up won't tech him anything. Trust me," I say. "He just drank to much Coca-Cola and now he is drunk-ish from it."

Ross says,"fine I'll leave him alone. Want me to come in there and protect you?" I nod yes, and he comes in. He puts his arms around my waste to pull us closer together. My head is on his chest and he is hugging me tightly.

He rolls over to where he is on top of me, no we don't do it, we just put our heads closer and closer together until we our lips are touching. We kiss for what really seems like a long time, then we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Author's note:
I typed this really quickly because I had most of it already typed on my phone!!❤️😁

I hope you liked it!!❤️❤️

Happy New Years Eve!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love you!!!❤️❤️❤️

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