Chapter 18

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We wake up the next morning, but I sit up and my head feels like crap. "Ross I feel like crap." I says in my morning voice.

"Ok I will go get you something. I'll be back soon," he says in the most sexiest morning voice ever. I few minutes after he walks to my house and back, he is back with a thermometer and aspirin. He leans over and puts the thermometer in my mouth, and when he pulls it out its says 100.3.

He says,"ok let's get you into your bed." Then he picks me up, and he carries me all the way to my house and up my stairs to my bed.

He lays me down on my bed and says,"do you want the TV on?" I moan yes, and he puts the TV on then sits downin a chair. And guess what's on "Austin and Ally". He looks at Laura Murano and asks,"you know I'm not in love with her right?" I moan a yes out. That's a random time for that kind of question.

45 minutes go by, and all of a sudden I feel it, I'm going to puke. So I run as fast as I can to get to my toilet, and some how I made it to my toilet. Ross was right behind me,so he rubbed his hand against my back perfectly. After a few minutes I could tell I was done, so he helps walk me back to my bed. I lay down and close my eyes, then I hear the door bell ring.

Ross says,"I will be right back." I can hear him open the door and let people in, and before I know it, there are 6 people in my bedroom, all the Lynches and Ratliff. Ross says,"they wanted to come say hi." They each say get well soon.

Riker says,"these are for you," and hands flower. He also looks at my walls and says,"those are soon nice looking guys on your walls," pointing to the R5 posters on my walls.

I say," OMG, y'all got me flowers."

Rocky smiles and says,"no we took them from a graveyard. Get well soon," and leaves my room.

I say, "classy."

Ratliff says,"that's Rocky for ya. Get well soon," and leaves my bedroom.

Ryland says,"bye, hope you feel better,"and he walks out my bedroom door.

Rydel comes close to me and whispers ,"don't worry you are not the only girl he has seen sick. I know it's weird to be seen like this." I giggle a little and she leaves my bedroom.

Ross says,"what was that about?"

I say,"she just said I'm pretty without makeup on."

Ross says,"you are not pretty, you are beautiful!" He blushes, I might add, and he sweetly hands me a teddy bear with a card attached to it. He says,"open the card."

I do this and it says," hey boo I know you feel like poo. But just smile and you'll better in a while. Love, Ross"

He smiles and says,"do you like it?! I came up with that!"

I say,"I love it and I would sooo kiss you right now, but I don't want to get you sick too."

He says,"ok, get some rest, and you might feel better later."

I agree and fall asleep, and to my surprise I sleep pretty well, but I have the most craziest dream ever.

Author's note:
Omg, idk how I had so much time to write three chapters in one day!!

I hope u lived it!!❤️❤️

What do u think the dream will be about??

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I love you!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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