Chapter 12

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As I said before, Ross and I played with Rhor for about 30, but out of nowhere Austin comes in screaming, "breakfast is ready! Come eat!"

I sarcastically whisper back,"you don't have to scream. Last time I checked, none of us are deaf."

Austin smiles and whispers,"breakfast is ready now." Oh my gosh, it is harder to talk to him now. I don't like knowing he likes me! How will I handle this?!?!

Ross, Rhor, and I stand up, and we follow Austin out the door, through the hallway, through the living room, and into the kitchen where Lindsey and Mike are already. Austin's mom has made us bacon and eggs, yummy!

Once Austin sees the food, he says to his mom, "thanks for breakfast," as she walks back into her bedroom to Austin's dad.

She yells back, " welcome!" as she enters the other room.

We each pick up a paper plate, and we each put bacon and eggs on our plates. After I get my food, I walk through a doorway and into the dinning room. There is a large table where all of us can sit, so I sit on the side farthest from the kitchen and on the left. The table can sit six people, and that's how many of us there are.

Ross sits to my right, while Rhor sits on Ross's right, on the end to the table. Lindsey decides to sit in front of Ross, so Austin has the choice of sitting in front of me or to my left on the end of the table. Austin sits on my left at the end of the table, so Mike is forced to sit in front of me.

At first I could tell he was nervous, but he got the guts to sit in front of me.(True story!!) Personally I have never thought I was scary. 😁😃😄

When we eat it is really awkward until Rhor says,"why are ya'll not talking? I don't like it being quite."

Austin smiles then says,"well did you have a dance battle with Michael Jackson last night? We are tired now. Well...most of us are tired." He stares at Ross and says,"hey Michael Jackson, ya tired?"

Ross smiles and says,"not really, I was about to ask if anyone wanted to dance after we ate."

Austin says,"no thank you."

Mike points to Austin and says, "what he said."

Lindsey, "no thanks, I'm beat."

Rhor says, "na I'm good, I don't want to lose...again."

Ross turns to me and says, "aw come on Ashley. Please."

I stare at him and simply say, "I zombie, nooo," which makes him laugh. OMG, I love his laugh and smile sooo much.

After we finish eating, Ross gets a text on his phone, and he says, "my mom asks if your mom can drive me back to the hotel in about an hour and a half."

I reply," of course, she would love to," I hope. I then text her.

Me- Can we bring Ross back to his hotel in an hour and a half-ish?

Mom- Yes of course!

Me- Ok thanks! We are just going to hang around the hood a while.

Mom- Don't go from house to house to much. There was recently a child kidnapped. (not true)

Me- Have you not seen Ross? I think we will be fine. ;)

Mom- Love you! Just be careful out there.

Me- We will. I love you too!

OMG, my mother can be a little over protective. She texted me "There was recently a child kidnapped" because a 9 year old was kidnapped in Texas!(also not true) I know it is really said, but that is in Texas, and we are in Mississippi! Texas is a couple states away. I do really love how much she cares about me though.

Everyone throws away their plates, and I say, "bye guys, Ross and I are going to go back to my house."

The next thing I know, Austin, Mike, and Rhor are turned around, hugging themselves, and acting like they are kissing someone. This is something I have never thought I would have seen.

Well I shouldn't say that I NEVER expected it. The three of them have even mooned me before. (True story!! :))

After a few seconds, they finally stop making fun of Ross and me being "good friends"... so far. 😉

Ross and I walk into Austin room, and he helps me pack up the things I had taken out of my suitcase as everyone starts to help clean up the now messy room. Once Ross and I have packed all of my junk into my suitcase, I say, "bye guys, I'll see ya'll later."

Lindsey says,"see ya later cheka."

Austin and Mike say,"bya," at the same exact time, while Rhor runs up to me then squeezes the life out of me. He is the sweetest little boy on the planet! After I am squeezed, he goes to Ross, and Ross sweetly kneels down, so Rhor can give him a big huge.

Then Rhor says, "bye Aus-... Ross, bye Ross Lynch! Tell Ally Rhor says hi."

Ross says to the five year old, "why would I not tell her about the coolest 5 year old I've ever met?" Rhor then hugs Ross again, but once Rhor lets go he runs to his mom and dad's room smiling...priceless.

Ross says a final, "bye guys," as we walk out Austin's bedroom. We walk out the garage door after telling Austin's parents thanks for letting us stay over.

Once we walk down the street, I unlock my front door, and I shout, "hi mother we are home," assuming she would hear. We are the people who scream throughout our house to hear each other. 😁

We walk up the stairs, and I walk into my mom's bedroom as Ross waits in the hallway between my mom's bedroom and mine. I say to my mom,"hey, Ross and I are going to go Mary's. We just decided to bring my stuff here first."

"Ok, I'll call ya'll when we need to leave," she says, and she goes back to watching QVC. She is QVC crazy. We already have four things coming in the mail soon. (True)

Ross and I walk back to my bedroom, and I "unpack" my suitcase as we magically kiss. I really hope the sparks never go away!

After "unpacking", Ross and I walk down my stairs, out my front door and towards Mary's house.

Author's note:

Watch the YouTube video I put on here!!! I found it today!! I've watched it 5 or more times!! Tell me ur favorite part of it!

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Do I sound like I've had a boyfriend before?? I won't be offended by ur answers. :)

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If u like my story you should check out LazerMasterR5 's fan fictions!!!!!

As always, sorry for any spelling errors!!! I re-read it four times before I posted it!!😁😁😝😝

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