Chapter 23

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After our amazing conversation, the limo is about 20 or less minutes from my house. Ugh, why does this date have to end?! I know they have to go on tour, but I wish they could stay!

I say, "Hey Ross?"

"Yeah," Ross replies.

"We don't have to end this when you leave for tour, right?" I say sadly.

"No, or at least I don't want it to," Ross says.

"Me neither, I don't want it to end either," I say.

"Well the tour only has has like four more shows. Want to come on the rest of the tour or come out to California after the tour?" Ross asks hopeful.

"I'd love to. My mom and Grandmother would love to have a vacation," I say getting excited. Ross laughs. I ask, "What?"

"I like seeing you so excited," Ross smiles, blushing a little. I was sitting close to him, but I come to him, and he puts his arm around me as I lay my head on his chest. Ross says, "This feels nice."

"Ya got that right," I say, then I swing my legs across his lap.

Ross looks at his watch and asks, "Want to FaceTime a little when you get home? It's only 7:00ish."

I look up at him and smile, "Sure, I would love to." He looks down at me, and kisses me. Before I know it, my hands are in his hair, and I'm on my back, on the floor of the limo. My shoes have fallen off, and Ross is on top of me. No we're not naked! PERV! XD

But his hands have almost touched every inch of me. "Ross?" I ask.

"What?" Ross asks.

"Do you really think this can work?" I ask.

"Yeah, I believe we can work," Ross replies. I look out the window. Dang it, we are like 5 minutes from my house. I point out how close we are, and I put my right, pink converse back on, while Ross does the same. "So, we are going to Texas in a couple of days, and...I have no idea where after. Rydel keeps track of that. Just check if you need to know the other dates."

"Ok thanks, I'll tell my mom," I reply as I put my left shoe back on.

"Yeah, and Teen Beach Movie comes out like two weeks after our tour," Ross says.

I say, "Why do you sound sad about touring?"

"I'm not sad. It's just so far away," Ross says as the limo pulls into my neighborhood.

"Don't worry. We will work. I believe it too," I say to Ross. Then we pull in front of my house. I really don't want to get out of this limo, and I really don't want to leave Ross. We start to kiss, then...the old, little limo driver opens the little door separating us from him.

"Ok we are here Mr. Lynch," the old man says to Ross.

Ross replies, "Ok thanks." Ross opens the door for us to get out, and I stand up, out of the limo as Ross takes my hand. We walk to my front door holding hands.

"I wish I lived in LA with you, so we won't be so far away," I say.

Ross says, "Maybe one day you will."

I ask knowing I probably have no talent, "What could I do for a living? Act?"

"Yeah, I bet you would be great!" He say, clearly thinking I would be amazing, but I have no idea why he would think that.

"Maybe one day," I say a little hesitantly, standing on my door mat.

"Ashley, I know you may not think a lot can change in the years to come in your life, but trust me, things can change quickly. It seems like yesterday I was in my basement with my siblings. Now we are on tour, and I've met you," Ross says. Wow I really don't know how to reply to that.

"Thanks, that's something everyone needs to hear sometimes," I say, and we hug. We stare at each other, about to tilt heads to kiss...

...and my mom opens the front door. REALLY MOTHER! XD

"Hey you crazy kids. Goodnight Ross, tell your family I say hi," my mom interjects quickly.

"Mom. Ross has offered for us to go to the next few shows with them or meet them in Cali when the tour is over," I inform my mother. OMG I'm wearing this necklace.

If you don't remember, my mom probably wouldn't want me to have a boyfriend yet. As my mom starts talking to Ross, I quickly hide my necklace in my shirt as I stare at the sunset that is facing my house.

"Oh that sounds like a great idea, I'll talk to your parents about that later, bye," my mom quickly says.

"Ok thanks, bye Ashley," Ross says as he walks back to the limo.

I yell, "Bye Ross!" As he puts one leg into the limo.

"Bye Ross," my mom says as he pulls the other leg into the limo.

I turn to my mom, "Why were you trying to get rid of him?"

"I'm really sorry Ashley, but we have to go to Aunt Sue's for two weeks to house sit while she is on her cruise," my mom says. WHAT THE HECK? NO!

I know two weeks isn't that long, but I'll miss R5's last shows. Then I'll be in the way of their song writing and recording, and when Ross is promoting "Teen Beach Movie" and the next album. I'll just be in the way.

I'll be in the way of his life. I'm I good for him? Won't I just be a distraction? Will he want to be with me when he realizes it will be so hard?

Ugh, really Aunt Sue, why do you have to go on a cruise when my hot celebrity crush comes into town!?!?!!
Author's Note:
Hey awesome people!
I hope you liked this chapter.
How has your day been???
If you haven't checked out my other fanfiction, please do that if you get the chance.
Please let me know if there r any errors that don't make any sense!

What's your current favorite song off R5's album??

I love you!!!❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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