Chapter 6

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When we finally get to the food court, two girls about 15 or 16 run up to Ross with me right next to him.

"OMG your Ross Lynch. We love Austin and Ally and R5. Is this your girl friend? You are so lucky. Can we take you picture and take a selfie with you?" The loudest one says really loudly.

"Thanks and sure." Ross replies as he bends down, so they can take a selfie with him. The girls are shorter than me.

I hear the iPhone camera noise go off and Ross says,"ok there you go. Have a good day." As they start to walk away.

"OMG! Thank you so much!" The girls scream and run away in joy.

I say,"aww, your so sweet," I say to Ross.

"I know I am,"he says to me with a big smile on his face.

"Ok where do you want to go now," I ask.

He says,"ummm...let's get a Coke ICEE." Wow he has never been here, but he noticed the ICEE machine. I love how observant he is...sometimes.

We walk up to the counter of the ICEE place and tell the lady we want two Coke ICEE's. I reach into my pocket to get a few dollars I had in it.

Ross says,"no way, I'm buying." And hands the lady the money.

I say,"that's not fair, this isn't a date," as we start to walk to the east side of the mall.

"Who says it can't be?" He smiles as he says this.

"OMG! You just quoted so many good movies. I'm always quoting random too." I say in excitement.

He says,"you're right that quote is from a movie, but I don't know what movie."

After a minute, we give up trying to think of what movie that was said in. We walk pass 10 or more stores until we are on the quiet side of the mall.

We see the chairs that massage you, and my feet started to get a little tired. So I say,"hey want to sit down for a sec."

He says,"sure are your feet hurting you," knowing something was bothering me.

"Yes a little, I've never really liked shopping to long. I can't stand still in one place just staring at clothes for to long, or my feet kind of fall asleep," I say as we sit in the chairs.

He says,"my mom is the only one in the family who likes shopping, too."

After a few seconds Ross randomly says,"what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?"

I quickly know how to answer him because this is what I always think of when someone asks me this."Ummm, ok well...this is the most embarrassing thing I always think of, but I don't remember it beingembarrassing in the moment it happened. Ok well ya see, I was taking a bath in the house my mom, dad, and I lived in and...I was like 3...and I umm...pooped in the tub and blamed it on a cat we never even had." (Not true) :)

He laughs so hard I wouldn't be surprised if Texas heard him. He laughs so hard he almost starts crying.

I laugh along with him. He says,"wow, that not at all what I thought you might say. I have never done anything like that. Ummmmm...I've...ummm...I've almost fallen off the stage at an R5 concert (idk if that is true), and I have had a bra thrown at me before."(this I know is true)

I say,"some of your fans are a little crazy, I think."

"Yes but they are an awesome kind of crazy," he yes.

I say,"yeah I know what you mean. Most of my friends are awesome crazy....want to meet some of my friends. Well, when I say friends I mean my neighbors and when I say neighbors...I don't know what I'm trying to say, but...want to come to a party my neighborhood is having?" I randomly say.

He replies,"sure, I guess it would be cool to meet them, you seem to be close to them."

"I am. They are like a second family, kind of what Rattilff has with ya'll," I say to Ross.

"I like them already," he says. "So is it a date?"

I say,"well when I say party it's more like...hanging out, listening to music, playing games, eating dinner, and wall ball. Do you know what wall ball is?"

"That's sounds awesome, and I love wall ball. I have 3 brothers and Rattilff, and you thought I might not know what wall ball is, you clearly don't know me fully...yet," Ross says. "But I will change that quickly."

"Ok I'll text my mom and let her know you will be coming. We didn't discuss this early, but she will say yes," I say. "I'm really good at accidentally planing thinks backward. (Sarcasm)."

I text my mom.

Me- Can Ross come to the party tonight?

Mom- Yes, of course. Will we bring him there from here?

Me- Yes, thank you and ok he is texting his mom now. Want us to meet in the food court?

Mom- Yes. That sounds good. :)

Me- Ok see you in the food court in a few.

Mom- Ok. He may want to stop at the hotel they are staying at to get a swim suit. The neighbors may want to swim.

Me- Ok, he says he will ride to their hotel with his family and get a suit. It's the hotel in front of Gander Mountain, so can we follow them there and bring him home with us after he grabs his swim suit.

Mom- Sure that's fine.

Me- Ok thanks!

I say to Ross,"my mom says we can bring you to my house from your hotel," I say as we stand up out of the chairs.

"Ok, let's good," Ross says.

Authors note:

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