Chapter 4

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I wake to the bright sun coming from my bedroom window, and I see a text from Ross. Oh my goodness, was that a dream last night, or did I actually kiss Ross Lynch last night?!?

I look at the text to make sure it is not from a different person I now who is named Ross. Yep, I was right, last night was not a dream. I read the text message.

Ross-Hey, want to "hang out" this Wednesday?

Me-Lol, yeah it would be fun to "hang out" Wednesday. When? Where?

Ross-I'll pick you up, in the limo. We don't have a car here. At 2:30.

Me-Ok, my mom says I can "hang out" then.

Ross-Ok, see you then!

I put my phone down smiling then drag myself out of my bed. I pee, wash my face, and brush my teeth. I then throw on some shorts with cheesy looking holes in them, with a baby blue, short sleeved Aeropostale shirt and hot pink converse.

I put back my curly, dirty blonde hair with two large bobby pins. I put makeup on, first foundation, powder, blush, then a pale glittery lip gloss.

My mom yells for me, and I run down the stairs to go to church. Luckily, I don't trip. I run through the door and into my mom's car. I sit in the back to my grandmother can sit in the front of the car.

My mom and I pick up my grandmother and drive to church. Once we drive through town to get to my church, we park in the parking lot.

Once we are in my church. We are greeted with a blast of cold air, good thing I brought my jacket this time. :)

We sit down where we always do, and I look to my right at some guys around 16 or 17. They have come to my church a few times, and I started to think they were cute a few weeks ago.

But, now when I look at them I don't feel and think the same way. Is this what it feels like to be in love? is wonderful!

After church is over, we jump in the car. I say to my mom,"Hey mom, can Ross's family meet us to eat somewhere?"

My mom says,"I guess so, where do ya'll want to go eat?" to my grandmother and me.

My grandmother thinks for a moment then says,"How bout we go to Logan's or Chili's?"

I say,"ummmmm, Chili's!"

"Ok, text Ross that, and tell him to bring his family" my mom says.

Me-Hey want to go out to eat with my mom, grandmother, and me at Chili's? You know where it is right?

Ross-Yeah sure. Can my family come?

Me-Yes, of course!

Ross- Ok, what time?

Me- Ummmm, my mom says we can be there in 15 minutes.

Ross- Ok, see you then!

Me-Ok see you in 15!

We arrive at Chili's about 15 minutes later, and Ross and his family is there. We walk through the restaurant's doors, and we see Ross and his family sitting on red, cushioned benches.

Ross stands up awkwardly with his hands in his pockets, nervous that our parents are meeting. He says,"Hey Ashley. We are just waiting for them to put tables together for us. Here you want to sit?" offering me his sit like a gentleman.

I say,"why thank you kind sir," lady like. ealizing what he was doing.

I sit next to Rydel and she laughs,"good one."

"Thanks," I say.

A waitress walks up to us and says,"ya'll can be seated now."

We are led towards the table in the back, the only place they could fit us. Ross pulls out a chair for me,"here you go fair madden, you may sit," continuing our sarcasm and smiling.

"Why thank you kind sir," I say sitting. Rydel it to my right, Ross is to my left while Riker is in front of me. Rocky is in front of Ross, and Ellington is in front of Rydel.

The parents are to the right of all of us. The waitress walks up to the table, and she asks,"what would ya'll like to drink?"

Ross waits until it's his turn and says,"water."

I say,"gee, you're a little plain." Then the waitress looks at me, so I say,"Sprite please."

Ross says,"well look at these guns," holding up his arms and flexing his large mussels while smiling real wide.

I laugh and whisper to Rydel, "is he nervous?"

She whispers back,"he hasn't had that many girlfriends, and the ones he has had already knew our parents. So this is a first for him." I laugh at this and turn back to Ross.

I say,"I'm glad you came."

He take my hand and says,"I am glad to."

In the back ground I hear Riker singing GLAD YOU CAME by The Wanted. I'm still starring at Ross, so I rip off part of a napkin. I ball it up and thought it at Riker. I was starring at Ross while I did this, so Riker didn't know it was about to happen.

It hits him in the forehead, and he says,"owww! Ross your girlfriend hurt me!" Like a baby.

Ross says,"I would have done the same thing." I laugh.

The waitress then comes to get our orders. Rydel and I order four little hamburgers and fries. All the Lynch boys order big hamburgers and fries. We talk about the most random things for a few minutes, then our food is brought to us, and we eat.

Author's note:

Hello people of the world??
What are y'all's thoughts??

Good? Bad?

Long? Short?

Plzzzzzzz!! & Follow!!!!

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