Chapter 11

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Yes I witnessed the craziest dance off ever, and yes Ross was obviously better at dancing. But, it went by to fast, and Austin wasn't too bad of a dancer.

It seemed to go by really fast because after Ross beat Austin, we just went to bed, but before the two of them danced, Lindsey, Mike, Shor, and me did get to dance...a little. But Ross's dancing was the best, obviously!!

I guess it was all the excitement that made us tired to where we wanted to sleep. Ummm... there's one more thing I was going to tell you...oh yeah I remember. Ross beat every single high score Austin and others had made on his wii!!

After Ross won epically, we decided to go to sleep, so I grabbed a sleeping bag Austin's parents let me borrow. Then I unzipped the sleeping bag, so it can flat on the wooden floor.

I lay it on the ground, and I put a down a pillow and a blanket I had put in my suitcase.

After I do this, I see Ross on my right doing the same, along with Lindsey on my left putting her bag down beside me. Mike climbs to the top bunk, while Austin and Shor cover themselves under a few blankets.

The light is turned off, and I soon fall asleep. Whenever I don't sleep in my own bed, I usually wake up once in the middle of the night, which does happen.

I wake up, and I move my hands around my sleeping bag to find my phone. I'm surprised when I realize Ross has his arm around me, sound asleep.

Luckily I find my phone without waking him up. I put my phone into my view, and the phone says 2:47. Great...I'm not going to be able to sleep at this time while his arm is sweetly around me.

OMG, HIS ARM IS AROUND ME!!! Well I guess I'll try to sleep. I, somehow, fall asleep. hour or two later I hear Mike and Austin talking. Mike says,"hey look Ross has his arm around her."

"His arm around her was the first thing I saw when I woke up," Austin says.

Mike asks,"do you remember when you thought I liked her?"

Austin replies,"yeah, why?"

"You were right I did like her, and I still do," Mike confesses.

Austin then confesses,"I only thought you liked her because I liked her, and I still do too. I thought I was going to be her first boyfriend. I was going to make my move in the next couple of years when we are older. I thought she would be ready to date then."

Mike then says,"wow, I was thinking about asking her out this New Years Eve, but neither one of us get her now."

Austin says,"it won't last, she lives here in Mississippi, and he lives in California."

"I guess you're right..." Mike agrees.

"I know we both like her, but I don't want to make her choose ," Austin sweetly says. He totally just quoted "Twilight"!

Mike then says,"yeah, I hope I'm the lucky one."

Austin says,"yeah, I hope I am too...but let's promise not to get competitive."

"It's Ashley, you think she would date either one of us if we did," Mike says. Then they soon fall asleep, and so do I.

In the morning, I'm awakened by Shor poking my cheek and the bright sun in my eyes coming through the blinds with Ross's arm around me still. Rhor says,"wake up Ashley," not yet realizing I'm awake.

I wave to him, so he knows I'm awake. I move my arm so much my blanket covering my shoulder falls down my arm a little.

My moving most have awakened Ross because he slowly sits up, and says,"I haven't slept that good in forever."

I smile and say,"me neither," which was actually true. I look to my left, and I see Lindsey starting to rise.

"Hey guys," then lays her head back on her pillow slowly. She is not good at waking up, and neither are her cosines, other than Rhor, obviously.

I check my phone and say to Ross," it's 10:36, I'm not going to be able to fall asleep again. Want to play play with Rhor?" I whisper the last part while Rhor is staring at us waiting for us to get up.

"Sure," Ross replies, so we stand up and walk into Rhor's bedroom slowly.

We need down, and Rhor hands us each a spinning top. So, we play with him for about 30 minutes.

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