Chapter 15

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After I scream "bye" to Mary, Ross and I decide to just walk back to my house. One we are on my door step, Ross pulls me in close, and he kisses me sweetly.

Out of nowhere, one of my neighbors comes driving down my street, so we awkwardly part from the kiss.

Ross randomly says,"so...your neighbors are all pretty cool. Is Mary your best friend?"

I suddenly remembered I haven't told him about my best friend Brook, but then I realize...I didn't tell Brook about him. I then become worried, and I start talking fast.

"Oooooo, great. I didn't tell Brook about you, and I didn't tell you about Brook. She is going to be pist. She is going to think I don't want to be friends with her anymore, and then she is going to..." Ross kisses me before I have a heart attack.

Once I shut up from Ross' kiss, he smiles and says,"if she is a true friend, she won't be that mad."

I smile and say,"okay..." I then peck his lips, and I open my front door and walk in my house. I walk up my stairs as Ross closes the door behind him, then he walks up the stairs behind me.

OMG! I feel like he is staring at my butt the whole time I walk up the stairs. Once I'm up the stairs, I poke my head into my mom's bedroom on the right. She is, of course, watching QVC.

I smile and say,"hey, Ross and I are just going to play Just Dance 2 or something until he has to leave."

My mom looks to me and replies,"ok boo, have fun."

"Thanks," I say trying to end the conversation to go to my room with Ross, so I walk into my bedroom thinking Ross will follow.

Ross decides to also poke his head into my mom's room, and he sweetly says to my mom, "thanks a lot for having me over. It's been fun to hangout with your daughter." Wow, he must really like me, if he wants to talk up my mom like that.

My mom loves what he says, so she replies, "well you are welcome Ross. I think you're one of the nicest guys Ashley has ever been friends with."

"Thank you," he says to my mom as he walks to the other side of the hallway and into my bedroom on the right. He walks in my bedroom, he sits on my bed, and he stares into my eyes as he gets under the big, soft blanket I am covered with.

He lays his back against a pink, body pillow I have to keep us from laying on my metal backboard. (The bed in the picture is the one I'm trying to describe, but I don't still have The Vamps on my wall)

I ask,"what do you want to do now?" I look at my phone to see what time it is. "We still have 45 more minutes. Want to watch a movie?"

He says,"sure, do you have 'Romeo and Juliet'?"

I smile and say,"no, but have the second closest movie. 'Twilight' ok?"

"Sure, why not?" He replies while I crawl out of my bed, take the DVD out of the case, and put it in my DVD player. I crawl back onto my bed, and I cover up with the same blanket Ross is under. Ross finds the remote in my sheets and hands it to me.

"Thanks," I say as I press the play button.

Ross is great to watch movies with. Ross doesn't talk too much or ask questions. OMG, when Edward saved Bella from a car about to run into her, I had the largest urge to jump on Ross.

Ross must of felt the same because he was soon leaning over me then kissing me. Wow, it is soooo magical when Rose kisses me, and I guess Ross must feel the same because he has kissed me so many times.

I hear my mom walking to my room, so I part from Ross lips as fast as I can. She walks in my bedroom, without knocking, and says,"hey ya'll, we need to start heading to the car, to leave."

I smile and say,"ok, we're coming," wanting her to leave the room. Luckily she gets the hint and leaves the room.

I turn to Ross, who is now breathing heavily from holding his breath in after the kiss. He says,"does she ever knock?"

I shake my head and say,"nope, welcome to my world."

He smiles and says,"well that was close. How long will we have to hide from your mom?"

I reply,"we just have to give her time. She just needs to see how much we well together." I almost said love!

He says,"I believe we can show her."

I say,"well help me believe."

Ross smiled and says,"don't worry, I'll definitely help."

We almost lean in to kiss until we hear my mom yell, "ya'll coming?"

I yell back,"yes I'm just tying my shoes!We're coming!" I peck Ross' lips, and I jump off my bed and tie my shoes as Ross does the same. I turn off my TV, and I walk to my stairs with Ross close behind me.

Ross grabs my hand swinging next to me, and pulls me into a hug. Let me tell you, Ross is an AMAZING hugger!

We walk down the stairs, past my living room, through my kitchen, and out my garage door to my mom's car. We both jump in the back of my mom's car.

My mom drives us to Ross' hotel. and Ross opens the car door, then walks in the hotel.

I feel like a part of me left. I can't wait for Wednesday!!!

Author's Note:

I had written this chapter when I was in English, and everyone else was watching "Romeo and Juliet" because I had seen the same version twice. Then I put the pice of paper on my bed for my friend to read when she came over, but she didn't read it. So it was put somewhere, and I couldn't find it yesterday. That means this was typed up today, which means there are probably spelling errors, and I am sorry if there are.

How has your day been???
It's storming where I am!


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I love you AWESOME people!!❤️❤️

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