Chapter 9

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Once I jump in the pool I am greeted by the ice cold water plus four people splashing me. I spit out water that is being splashed at me, while Ross, Austin, Mike, and Rhor continue to splash me.

Ross can tell I'm getting annoyed, so he finally says,"ok guys, that's enough I think she is use to the water now." Surprising, they stop as soon as he says that.

I then smile say,"thanks Ross. At least I know you..." Then Rhor, the 5 year old, splashes me again. I open my mouth again to see if he will splash me again, and of course, my mouth is greeted by more ice cold water.

I swim towards Ross, and I put my arms out to help deflect the water I was soon expecting to have when I talked. Luckily there was no water.

"I was going to say... At least I know you don't want to drown me. Thanks for making the hooligans stop," I smile and stare into his beautiful eyes.

His says,"I would never let anything happen to you." I hear the boys making "ew" sounds in the background.

But Lindsey sweetly says,"awwww! You said that just like Jacob," making Ross and me both blush like crazy.

Ross says,"I thought someone would understand that,"as he looks at me.

I say,"I knew you were quoting 'Twilight' right after the first three words came out of your mouth."

"I believe you," Ross says, I'm glad I can tell when he is being truthful with me.

"Who wants to see who can make it to the other side of the pool fastest?" Austin says even though everyone knows I was on the high school swim team last school year, so I can definitely swim the best.

Everyone agrees on that, so we line up on one section of the round pool. I'm between Ross and Austin, probably the only two who could even possibly bet me.

Austin then says,"3...2...1...GO!" We all push off the wall of the pool and quickly swim to the other side.

I make it to the wall first, but Ross and Austin touch at exactly the same time. "I win!" I scream.

Ross smiles and says,"I demand a recount."

"I forgot, how long have you been professionally swimming?" Austin asks, a little jealous.

While I smile I reply,"I started swim competitively since the summer after I turned 8."

Rhor, holding onto the railing to stay above the water, says,"so that's why that was so unfair."

Rhor does complain a lot about things being unfair, but Austin still isn't used to it I guess so he meanly says,"Rhor don't be such a baby."

Rhor then pulls himself out of the pool, and he screams,"I'm not a baby! I'm telling mom and dad you called me a baby!" As he grabs his towel and stomps away.

Austin awkwardly turns around to everyone else and says,"sorry guys, he's just tiered is passed his bed time."

Ross sweetly says to Austin,"don't be to hard on your little brother, my brothers and I have yelled at each other before. Yelling doesn't make the situation any better, and your his big brother, you need to be a good example for him."

"Ok...thanks man... that was very cool of you," Austin replies to Ross.

"Your welcome, now go talk to your little brother, try to make him feel better," Ross recommends.

Austin says,"ok thanks...see ya'll later."

During their heartfelt conversation, Mike somehow lifted himself out of the pool without anyone noticing, so when Austin ran after Rhor, Mike, out of nowhere, jumps in the pool splashing Ross, Lindsey, and me with the ice cold water.

I scream,"holy mother of pearl, the water is freezing."

Lindsey stares at her brother, who is now in the cold water with us and says,"not cool man, not cool."

OMG I love what Ross says afterwards! I don't know why I like corny jokes. :) He says,"well technically the water is cold ."

We all laugh and I say,"I'm not cold I'm freezing. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm going to get out of the pool. I can't completely feel my toes, and personality I like to feel all my body parts."

Lindsey laughs and says,"I can't either. I'm getting out on this ice water," as she swims towards the plastic ladder to get out of the pool.

We all get out of the pool, so we dry off and rap our towels around us. I look at my phone, it's 7:30 already.

I jog over to Lindsey, who is walking back to her cousins' house with her brother. I say,"hey Lindsey want to have a sleep over?"

She replies,"sure let me ask my mom...but I'm sleeping at Austin's tonight. Want to reschedule?"

Mike hears us talking and says,"let's ask mom if Ashley and Ross can sleepover at Austin's then."

"Ok ya'll go put on clothes, and we'll go ask," Lindsey says as she walks into the garage.

Ross and I turn right towards my house, and I take out my phone and text my mom.

Me-hey can Ross and I sleepover at Austin's?

Mom- of course, just ask Ross's parents.

Me- OMG, thanks, his is asking now.

Mom- don't forget your toothbrush and soap for your face. Love you!

I laugh and continue typing.

Me-I won't forget! :) I love you too!

That text ends the conversation, and Ross says,"what's funny?"

I reply,"my mom always reminds me to not forget my toothbrush, but shouldn't she remind me to bring underwear or something else like that? What person doesn't want their mouth to feel clean?" He laughs as we walk up my driveway, and I unlock my front door.

Arthor's Note:

Hey kind, sweet person who has chosen to read my fan fiction!!!

Could you pretty plzz comment????

It would make my day!!!!

I really want to know if I'm a good story writer, so plzzzz tell me if I'm good writer or a bad writer. :)

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