Chapter 16

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My mom drives back to our house, so I watch Netflix in my bedroom the rest of the day, while waiting for Wednesday. A reminder, it's Monday still, so I watch Netflix until I fall asleep.

I wake up to the bright summer sun coming though my window, and I look at my phone to see what time it is. OMG, it's only 8:30 am!!!

Oh well, I guess I'll get up now. I get up, and I slowly walk into my bathroom, so I pee, wash my face, brush my teeth, put my foundation and powder on, and try to pull my crazy curly hair into a pony tail.

I'll take a shower tonight because I don't feel like it right now. Today is a lazy day.

I run downstairs, and I eat bacon and eggs my mom cooked. I call my friend, Mary, and we hang out all day. We watch movies, paint our nails, and make more crazy videos.

At 6:30 when we are pooped from a long day and making a few videos, Mary randomly asks me,"want to see if we can invite Ross, R5, and Ryland?"

I reply,"sure, let's go ask your mom." We ask her mom, and she says yes. So, we also tell my mom.

I send one of the videos to Ross, and he replies.

Ross- Hahaha! Hanging out with Mary?

Me- Yep, what are you doing?

Ross- Hanging out with the family. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Me- Me to! Want to bring your family over and swim at Mary's?

Ross- Sure let me ask them!

Me- Ok.

Ross- They all said yes. What time do we need to be there?

Me- 4:30 at my house.

Ross- Ok, Rydel is going to text you so you have her number.

Me- Ok see you later!!

Ross- Bye!

I put down my phone, and Mary and I scream in excitement on her bed, "OMG, Ross Lynch and R5 are going to swim in my pool!" Mary screams.

I scream back, "I know! This is awesome!"

Mary screams, "I can't wait!"

I scream, "me neither!"

Mary screams, "why are we still screaming?!?!"

I smile and whisper, "I don't know why." We laugh and I say, "well I better get going. Awkward hug?"

She hugs me awkwardly and says,"awkward hug." I walk out her room, through her living room, out her front door, and to my house.

I walk through my front door, up my stairs, and poke my head in my mom's room. She says,"hey boo, want some pizza?" Pointing to the open pizza box on her bed.

"Sure," I say as I jump onto her huge king sized bed. We eat pizza and watch a movie, then I walk to my bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and pee, and I decide to go to sleep after I go on YouTube and look at random videos.

While on YouTube, I get a text message from Rydel.

Rydel- Hey Ashley!

Me- Hey!

Rydel- What cha doin right now?

Me- Watching YouTube videos. Why?

Rydel- Sorry to ask you this, you love Ross?

Me- I'm only 13. I'm not really sure what love is yet, but I think I do love Ross.

Rydel- Good. I know Ross feels the same way. :)

Me- Awww! Thanks for letting me know.

Rydel- You are very welcome. If Ross ever does anything to hurt you, then please know you can come to me about it.

Me- Of course. Thanks, that means a lot!

Rydel- You are welcome! Goodnight!

Me- Goodnight!

I watch a few more YouTube videos, then I realize something. I didn't take a shower! So, I get up, take a shower, and finally go to bed.

Many hours later I wake up from an amazing dream. I had a dream that Ross and I were married, and we had 5 kids. The crazy thing was, I was expecting another one in the dream!

But it was still a good dream because we were all happy and healthy. In a beautiful two story house.

I look at my phone, and it's 9:00 am. I drag myself out of my bed, and I pee to start the awesome day off.

Authors note:
I hope you liked this chapter!!❤️❤️
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