21 - Destiny

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"We test your midichlorian count."

I stare down onto Anakin's face as he informs me of his suggestion; my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I was sure that Anakin would not lie to me, and so I should be able to trust him on this... but with each passing day, I uncover more lies told to me by the people I thought I could trust, making me question my own naivety and trusting nature.

"Forgive me but... what are midichlorians? And why would having them determine whether I am force sensitive or not?" I ask him, hoping to silence my clouded thoughts. Anakin smiles at me warmly, before turning his head to face the ceiling whilst trying to recount the information he needed to tell me.

"Midichlorians are microscopic, intelligent life forms which reside in the cells of all living organisms, and forming a form of symbiotic relationship with its host. Now you see, the Force can allow the host to interact with it if they possessed a high enough midichlorian count, and therefore making them sensitive to the powers of the Force... My old master Qui-Gon once told me that 'without the midichlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force'. He said that they 'continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force' and that if we learn to quiet our minds, we will eventually hear them speaking with us. That is the reason we need to take the test for you: to determine your midichlorian count and decide whether you are in fact force sensitive or not."

I watched Anakin's expression shift several time as he explains this all to me, looking deep in thought and mindful when speaking of the midichlorians themselves, but then his face growing mournful and saddened when recalling the words of his ex-master Qui-Gon, who I had not heard him speak of before but yet I could sense that there was some form of emotional attachment involved there. I nodded slowly trying to intake the heavy amount of new information being told to me, whilst observing Anakin's side profile as he stared up at the ceiling. Thick silence fills the room as Anakin seemed to be completely lost in thought and in possible reflection of the relationship he seemingly had lost.

"So..." I begin speaking to break the silence, slipping the dark blue material of my dress though my fingers as Anakin turns his head once more to face me. "How do you test my midichlorian count?"

"It's essentially just a blood test really... but how we are going to do it, I don't know. It's not that I don't have access to the things I need, it's just that Obi-Wan and the others would find it rather suspicious, and I'm gathering you would have preferred it to be subtle."

I nod in agreement, thinking of ways to avoid the detection of those around us whilst taking the test. I wracked my brain for a good 30 seconds or so, debating different options in my mind until I found the perfect one.

"Ahsoka," I said suddenly.

Anakin raised his eyebrows at me in confusion, "What?"

"Ahsoka could do it. We both trust her and I know she wouldn't tell anyone."

I watch Anakin think to himself for a moment, before chuckling to himself softly and looking me in the eyes, "I mean, you're right. You should've seen her face when we were interrogating her to find out where you had ran off to... she looked like she was about to kill me and Obi-Wan."

I laugh at his little anecdote as I try to imagine Ahsoka's expression that day, the perfect image of her coming into my mind.

"So that's decided then? We'll call Ahsoka?" I speak up again to Anakin.

"Yes, but whether she'd do it is another story... though I can't see why she wouldn't."

I rise from my seat and stand beside Anakin on the bed, smiling down on his weak, obviously exhausted face. I shiver a little from the cold air blowing in from the vents above us and my eyes travel down to Anakin's exposed torso, watching as he tried his best on attempting to not let his body shake from the cold. I scan around the room, looking for something to cover him with, but find nothing in this isolated medical bay. He's going to catch hypothermia if I don't get him something. As I turn to face the door, the train of my dress brushes against my arms, making me look down a the silky material. My gaze shifts from Anakin and then back to the dress, knowing what I was going to do. Reaching behind my curls for the neckline of the dress, I grasp the silky material harshly, and tear it from the back, Anakin's eyes widening. It ripped fairly easily, making no loose threads or torn material appear on the back of the dress. After all, it was just a train.

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