36 - Surprise!

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It has been one whole month since Ayzel's funeral and also since Devica had returned to live with me here on Solaris. Not much has occurred within that time frame.. thankfully, things have been fairly tame and frankly just normal for once. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Anakin had to leave shortly after the funeral for a mission and haven't been back for at least two weeks or so, but luckily I've had Devica to keep me company in the walls of my lonely palace. We started out by renovating Ayzel's bedroom into Devica's new place to stay due to Mother using her old one as mine when I was born. I also gave her tasks around the Palace and in Vis to keep herself busy when I attended to business with Senator Strestar so she wouldn't become lonely in my absence.

The two of us kept each other in good company when we were finally alone together as sister and sister at last. Life was better than ever on Solaris with my new responsibilities as Queen and how nothing and no-one currently posed a threat to my safety... I was now able to live my life how I had always wanted: with freedom.

Devica and I took frequent walks down into Vis to re-familiarize her with the city and me with my own people. We stopped by the Bazaar in the vast marketplace, contently sampling any piece of food we could find being sold on the citizens' stalls and basking in the vibrant atmosphere now that there were no longer any Clone Trooper battalions stationed and intruding into their homes, suspiciously eyeing anyone who so much as looked 'off'. The people seemed so much more joyful now that Sarin's tyrannical power trip was over on my poor planet, and no one even stepped a single foot in fear anymore. However, the centre of the Bazaar continued to thwart my progress in moving forward and forgetting the past. Every time I so much as see Mother's memorial fountain, a chill runs down my spine and I always find myself looking to the rooftops in an anxious panic, terrified that I will see a masked individual, grenade and gun in hand, poised and ready to try and kill me again.

Thank the Force Devica was always there to walk me through it.

In other news, the Chancellor had also kept to his promise and quite quickly released Sarin from the Coruscant Prison, dropping all charges against me completely... I do believe he has now relocated to Alderaan and has joined a support group for his issues? Well that what he had stated in the apology letter he was instructed by his Therapist to send to me anyways.

I had also kept to my promise, ensuring that Devica was able to communicate with her beloved Xavian back on Corellia, who has recently moved in with his partner Dax. Devica is constantly talking with him on the transmission table I had installed in her room - much to Raya's and the other Servants' disgust - informing him on every tiny detail of her activities that day. Luckily, she could rest easy knowing that Xavian wasn't alone and had Dax by his side. I can tell that she misses Xavian dearly... but I can also sense that she is a million times more happy now she is back home. To be honest, it's almost as if she had never ran away in the first place.

I finally felt at peace.

And then there's Anakin. I never knew it was possible to love a person as much as I love him... but even in his absence, my love for him only grew with every thought that passed through my mind. I'm going to be honest though, I have been exceedingly anxious over the past couple of weeks or so seeing as he's been gone. I have never been separated from him for this long, and with no form of communication between us, I have no way of knowing of his health or whether he is alive... or even dead. I know that it is a horrible thing to think about and dwell on; but with all the trauma I've had with 'dead' people recently, can you blame me?

Force, I missed him; and every night I stared out at our moon and prayed for his safe return to me someday soon.


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