Chapter 18: UA Staff Meeting [Rewrite]

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*Note* I rewrote chapter 18 since I didn't like it. It also made things complicated to move forward a bit. As such, I've started writing on this book again and have a few more chapters done that I will release as I move forward.

3rd POV:

The night passed and it was now the next day after the attack on the UA's U.S.J. and they would be having a meeting between the staff that included the police force as well but first, Izuku had to deal with his laugher as Kirshimia had woken up. Kirishima had made his way downstairs as he was trying to remember where the hell he was at but when he saw Izuku the memories started to come back to him quickly as he remembered he had gotten adopted by Izuku who wasn't the same age as him but a really old man that was immortal. He also remembered that his foster care parents had gotten arrested by Izuku and the Principal as well. "So... yesterday wasn't a dream..." Kirishima said out loud and Izuku smirked at him and waved him over for breakfast as they sat down. "So, I see you found the articles of clothing I gave you. I know we didn't get much from your old place but you can easily buy all the new things on the card I gave you. Use the one that is meant for emergencies since I don't want you to use your allowance on it. Be sure to get anything you want for your room as well when you go shopping since I have to go to UA for a meeting." Izuku said and Kirshimia just nodded his head as he barely followed along with everything that was going on. Izuku just chuckled and asked him if he had any questions which he didn't at the time which was fine for Izuku who told him not to be afraid of asking questions.

After saying goodbye to his son, Izuku got ready and headed off to UA where he was going to be joining the meeting as Shadow since he didn't plan to reveal his true identity of Izuku Midoriya being Shadow yet. That would naturally come out when he fought his father most likely but it didn't need to come out any time before then in Izuku's view. Izuku hoped the meeting would go quickly since he knew he had a short amount of time to train his son with his new quirk for the sports festival. Izuku quickly made a stop at his private office before he would head to the meeting room since he wanted to go over any files or paperwork in his office first. He saw some notes from Nezu that said that the UA staff was trying to push for the identity of Shadow but Izuku didn't care whatsoever if they wanted to know or not.

After reading the other notes he exited his office and made his way towards the meeting room but saw a few cops in the hallway doing paperwork. 'The detective with the lie detector must be here... I think I saw his car outside.' Izuku thought which annoyed him since the detective could figure out if he was lying or not though the quirk interested Izuku though but being buzzed a bit every time someone lied would be annoying which made Izuku hold off on getting it since he had a low-level truth quirk that forced people to tell the truth if they couldn't resist the effects of the quirks. Izuku arrived outside of the meeting room and the door opened the moment he stepped towards it. 'I love how Nezu does that. It adds so many dramatic effects which light up an immortals day.' Izuku thought as he had done it to staff when he was the principal as well and they always found it creepy on how he knew they were about to knock though no one ever noticed the small hidden cameras in the hallway that sensed people coming and alerted the Principal. 

Everyone turned towards the door when they heard it open and were shocked to see the person who folded All Might more or less yesterday. All Might had buffed up the moment the door started to open so he was currently in his buff form which Izuku just rolled his eyes at but no one could really see them. Izuku moved towards the front and sat at the open seat near the head of the table but wasn't directly at the head of the table with Nezu. After a few seconds of getting his stuff out and ready, he looked at Nezu who nodded his head. "Let's start the meeting everyone," Nezu said and they all snapped out of their stares and nodded their heads. "Now, the first thing that we need to hit is to talk about how they got the schedule for the attack. From what is gathered as it stands, the League most likely used the warp user to break into the building to secure the schedule when all of us were outside due to the Media." Nezu said and they all nodded their heads. "We are certainly going to take a hit in the media due to the attack and already are but we can hit back a bit since the Media had helped the attack be successful by staying on our property line which allowed the villain to get to the gate and cause the alarm to go off," Nezu said as he showed the video of the media breaking into the campus. They soon switched to a video of the U.S.J. that was recovered and watched as Shadow dominated the fight with the Nomu. 

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