13. Confusingly Beautiful Arguments

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  Allowing myself to transform into my own little world I let my paintbrush express my emotions for me. The fragile realism I started the painting with slowly turns into scattered chaos, reflecting the total opposite of my usual paintings.

  "Something on your mind?" A strangely familiar voice chimes from behind me.

  "What?" I reply startled in a way as I turn around to see Lady Danbury hovering over me.

"Lady Danbury!" I greet before throwing my paintbrush next to my paints before rising to make her acquaintance, "It's an honor," I continue startled and not quite sure what to say considering I've only held a conversation with her once or twice.

"It's an honor talking to you Baroness Kingston. I mean diamond of the season, that is an accomplishment to be proud of,"

"Thank you," I nod in reply.

"Now I am going to ask again, what's or your mind? I mean I understand if you wish to not reply but you seem quite discontent. If you need to talk about anything maybe a lady like myself could help you out,"

"I am just overwhelmed with life right now I guess. I've always known that I have wanted to marry but I never thought it would be so hard being forced to choose a husband so suddenly. I wish I had more time and I wish that I could find someone that I truly love, someone that truly loves me," I explain letting out more emotion than I intended.

  "I've been widowed for quite a long time now and being independent has given me the secrets to life. I want you to know that you are not the first young lady to struggle with these worries. The season may feel pressuring right now but I can trust that in the end you will stride and follow your heart. It's the journey that seems hard and hurts at times, but trust me darling in the end you will be happy,"

"I am also angry with myself because of my manners. I mean I ran out on Lord Bridgerton last night, in the middle of a dance, I mean how improper of me! So far there has been no intense backlash, and I was relieved to see this through my callers today. But Lady Wistledown hasn't released her status report about the whole situation, what if she does and my life turns to ruins. Then nobody will want to marry me at all,"

"Trust me Lady Wistledown does rule a good amount of the gossip world here in London but you are strong enough to push through anything she puts out. And who knows maybe she won't release a statement on the matter,"

"And what is the likely hood of that happening?" I reply trying to take her kind and informed words into consideration despite it being somewhat difficult, "Plus I think I may have also lost one of my closest friends through my performance last night,"

"Who may that be?"

"Eloise Bridgerton," I sigh, "We were becoming quite close but i'm sure humiliating her brother and her family name is not going to keep me on her good side,"

"Darling, Eloise is the last of your worries. I'm sure she found your stunt amusing considering her mindset towards marriage or the season in general. In fact I was actually on my way to visit the Bridgerton's. The Duke and Duchess of Hastings are there to visit and I wanted to come and say hello. I'm sure Eloise wouldn't mind you tagging along... to talk things out and everything,"

"I couldn't possibly go dressed like this. I mean I have paint all over-"

"Miss Kingston you are out in the midst of day at a public park dressed in your paint covered dress. And you are telling me that it is not good enough of a dress to go talk to your close friend with?"

"I mean..."

"Just come along," Lady Danbury demands, "Pick up your paints and pay no business to your looks. I know Eloise Bridgerton will not care what you are dressed like,"

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