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Niall’s POV

“Listen ta meh son, God doesn’t put da people yeh want in yer life, he gives yeh da ones ya need. Der da ones who will hurt yeh, da ones who leaf ya, and d ones ta luv ya and make yeh d person ya were meant ta beh.”

I watch as he unscrews the two bolts holding the headlight. He gracefully takes the old bulb out and replaces it with a new one. When he screws in the bolts once more to hold the new light in place on the car he looks up smiling from ear to ear. Grease stains cover his hands but when didn’t they?


The sound of my phone vibrating against my jean pocket breaks the moment of the memory that I was having. Reluctantly I reach for my phone pressing the home button bringing the screen to life. I notice the unknown number flashing across the screen; sliding my finger across it gently I read the content of the message.

One down.. two to go –Unknown

I quickly lock the screen making it go black. I let my head fall back against the headrest of the drivers seat. I exhale loudly as I look down once more toward the town I call home. Home? I can laugh at it. What is a home when you have nothing left? Almost nothing. The only thing that used to keep me here was my dad and now the only thing keeping me is the shop, soon that will be gone too if I don’t succeed.

Her warm rich chocolate colored hair comes into my mind. The way her big messy curls fall softly on her shoulders. The dark color of her hair making her porcelain skin stand out in the loveliest way. Her exotic blue/green eyes haunt my mind; the intensity, the daring, commanding sense that they portray controlling my every move and me. Her straight nose perfectly aligned with her feminine cheeks. Her lips.. oh god her plump soft pink lips.

“Whut r yeh tankin ya idiot!” I say out loud while turning on my car.

It takes me only fifteen minutes before I am pulling into the lot of the shop. I notice Louis’s car meaning all the guys must be here still. I look at the time on the dashboard reading nine at night. I quickly park turning the car off and hopping out. The bell rings as soon as I enter the front office door. I shut the light off and lock up before making my way to the garage area where everyone is sure to be.

I see them lounging around the couches before they see me. Beer bottles cover the coffee table in the center. Harry is spread out across one of the couches throwing a ball into the air and catching it again on the way down. Liam sits in the lazy boy alone texting on his cell while Louis and Zayn share a cigarette. Lou sees me first a smile instantly covering his face when he spots me. I look away from his eyes instantly, them being too similar to hers. I’m trying not to think about her at the moment. 

“Niall, where you been?” Liam calls out.

“Not anywhere yeh’v been.” I respond while pushing Harry’s legs out of the way for me to have room to sit.

“Yeah Ni, where were you?” Harry sounds out, more concerned than curious.

“Who’s the lucky girl this time?” Louis laughs out.

“Yeh’r a bunch of nosy cunts!” I say snatching the ball form Harry and throwing it at Louis and Zayn.

“I’m so bored.” Liam suddenly says.

“When are you not?” Louis answers.

“Let’s go to the Tavern.” Harry says standing on his feet.

“Only if April gives us free drinks.” Zayn says.

“Cheap bastards..” Harry mumbles pulling out his cell from his tight pants.

I shake my head as we all stand following Harry toward the exit of the garage. I wasn’t really in the mood to go to the town bar but maybe this is just the distraction that I need. I’ve been thinking way too much. We all pile into Liam’s truck, even though it’s just down the street.

Walking into the whole in the wall dim bar feels more like home than anywhere else in this town. We grew up in this place. I look at the covered walls that are decorated with lighted up beer signs some working, others not. Tall tables cover one side of the room while booths cover the other. There is a decent amount of people here tonight considering it’s a Thursday and people still have work tomorrow.

We all walk over to the bar where April stands behind preparing drinks for a few older ladies. When she sees us she nods her head for us to take seats at the empty stools. Louis reaches over the bar grabbing a few beer bottles and handing us all one.

I easily twist the cap off of mine bringing the cold bottle to my lips immediately and downing half of it’s contents. The sound of drums and guitar chords can be heard throughout the faded speakers inside of the bar. I listen in on Harry talking to April about their day while watching the other three stooges play a game of darts.

No more than ten minutes pass before I see movement to my left. When I turn to look toward the entrance of the bar I spot those eyes instantly. A loose bun sits atop her head. She is wearing tight jeans with a white top and black leather jacket. The words I had said to her earlier this evening replay inside of my mind. I meant them. She isn’t someone I want to hurt regardless of what I am even feeling. I need to stay away from her.

I notice she isn’t alone. A petite brunette stands to her right anxiously looking in this direction. Seconds later they head over to a booth in the far opposite corner from where we sit. I chug the rest of my beer watching them talk to the waitress sure to be ordering a drink.

“Look, your sister is here and she’s with a friend.” Liam announces to Louis.

“Huh I wasn’t aware she had any.” He jokes.

I watch as him and Liam walk across the bar into the direction of where they sit. Her expression is surprised when she sees her brother and Liam. After a few words that I can’t hear are spoken she spots me at the bar. She stares discretely before looking back down toward the table.

“So what do you think of Amelia?”

I look beside me to see Harry handing me another beer. I overthink his question thinking there is more meaning behind it when in reality he is probably genuinely just asking out of curiosity.

“She’s Louis’s sistuh.” Is all I say.

“Well, I think she’s lovely..Lou seems happier now that she’s here too.” He responds.

“You okay?” He asks.


“You just seem a bit more out of yourself than usual and you disappeared for the whole evening.” He says concerned.

“I’m all right Harreh.” I lie.

Louis makes his way back to the bar for drinks I assume. Liam stays behind sitting in the booth right next to Amelia. I watch, as he gets closer to her whispering something in her ear. An emotion I am not used to creeps its way into my sense. Irritation is a factor as I watch my long time friend talk to her so closely. He says something making her laugh. Her beautiful smile reaches to my core lighting up every dark spot found. I look to the length of her soft skinned neck as she throws her head back lightly in laughter.

My knee bounces nervously as I think of what I said to Harry. “I’m all right”

If only he knew how far from the truth that was. There is so much going on; so much I am hiding from you and everyone else brother of mine. Like the fact that I am regretting what I said to her earlier this evening when I shouldn’t regret it one bit.

Authors' Note:

Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday with it being Valentine's weekend and all I was stumped. Anyway I've decided to double update today to make up for it. Please continue to comment and vote :) it makes my heart smile. Enjoy the next chapter loves! x 

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